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JavaScript Glossary: Array .slice() Method

Basics The slice array method copies a given part of an array returning the selected part as an array. It doesn’t mutate the given array rather, it returns a new array

JavaScript Glossary: Array .map() Method

Basics The map() method takes a callback method that performs an operation on the elements in the array. It returns a new array containing the resulting values of running the

Gradians and Turns: the quiet heroes of CSS angles

I love coming across little overlooked CSS gems, like the gradien (grad) and turn (turn) units that Ken Bellows uncovers in his post explaining them. I don't know, maybe y'all are already aware of them, but they're certainly new to me. They're additional options for dealing with angles, where...

CSS :placeholder-shown

One of the first plugins that would hit a new framework in the early days of JavaScript frameworks was a placeholder plugin, which is why we were so excited when HTML5 brought us the placeholder attribute. Then CSS lovers like me were thrilled when the CSS spec allowed us to style placeholders....

Inspirational Websites Roundup #1

The first edition of a new series that aims to showcase inspirational website designs. Inspirational Websites Roundup #1 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

React 16.6.0 Goodies

React 16.6.0 was released October 2018 and with it came goodies that spice up the way we can develop with React. We’re going to cover what I consider the best of those new goodies with examples of how we can put them to use in our work. React.memo() avoids unnecessary re-rendering There...

New CodePen Feature: Prefill Embeds

I've very excited to have this feature released for CodePen. It's very progressive enhancement friendly in the sense that you can take any <pre> block of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (or any combination of them) and enhance it into an embed, meaning you can see the rendered output. It also...

STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows

Product teams from AirBnb and New York Times to Shopify and Artsy (among many others) are converging on a new set of best practices and technologies for building the web apps that their businesses depend on. This trend reflects core principles and solve underlying problems that we may share, so...

Using React Portals to Render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy

Say we need to render a child element into a React application. Easy right? That child is mounted to the nearest DOM element and rendered inside of it as a result. render() { return ( <div> // Child to render inside of the div </div> ); } But! What if we want...

Design v17

We rolled out a new site design on January 1! This is the 17th version of CSS-Tricks if you can believe that. The versions tend to evolve a decent amount beyond the initial launch, but we archive screenshots on this design history page. Like I said in our 2018 thank you post: This is easily...

Algorithmic Layouts

Don't miss this video by Heydon that digs into CSS layouts. It's great how he combines fundamental knowledge, like the way elements flow, wrap, and can have margin with new layout methods like flexbox and grid (with specific examples). Of particular note is the clear demonstration of how flexbox...

New ES2018 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

The ninth edition of the ECMAScript standard, officially known as ECMAScript 2018 (or ES2018 for short), was released in June 2018. Starting with ES2016, new versions of ECMAScript specifications are released yearly rather than every several years and add fewer features than major editions used...

The 10,000 Year Clock Design Principals

In the new year edition of the Clearleft newsletter, Jeremy Keith linked to the design principals Danny Hillis thought about while considering a clock that would work for 10,000 years. Here's part of that page, satisfyingly displayed as a <dl>: Longevity: Go slow Avoid sliding friction...

NASA ukončila přelet nejvzdálenější planetky, kterou kdy navštívila

Sonda New Horizons, která 1. ledna přeletěla nad planetkou v Kuiperově pásu se nyní na pět dní odmlčí, kvůli Slunci, které bude signálu překážet. I tak bude trvat asi 14 dní, než astronomové analyzují došlá data. Ta nová potvrzují předchozí zjištění, ale neodpovídají na řadu otázek.Další články...

Dobré vědět: Co bude po New Horizons? Příští sondy by měl pohánět laser

New Horizons a Ultima Thule jsou hvězdami současné astronomie, ale co bude pak? Mimo sluneční soustavu toho zatím moc nelétá a v blízké budoucnosti se ani žádné nové průzkumné sondy nepřipravují. Ale podíváme se na koncept, který je sice zatím pouze na papíře, nicméně je příslibem revolučního


We're in the future now so, of course, we're working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques. One tactic, from years ago, was InstantClick: Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between...

První fotografie nejvzdálenější planetky, již jsme kdy nasnímali zblízka

Sonda New Horizons poslala první snímky ze svého průletu nad planetkou 2006 MU69. NASA je zveřejnila a čeká na podrobnější.Další články k tématu:Sonda zvládla průlet kolem nejvzdálenějšího zkoumaného vesmírného objektuSonda zkoumala nejvzdálenější tajemný objekt. Data bude posílat roky

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