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Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript

Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...

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I remember seeing this Tom Dale tweet a while back. It's literally about the browser's ability to look at the HTML of the document you're looking at as it first arrived. Now the tweet is stirring up a new round of conversation. Jonathan Snook has kind of a baby bear take: We have the ability...

Po New Yorku jezdil autonomní mikrobus Coast P-1. Sází na nízkou rychlost

Úterní ráno bylo na New Yorské křižovatce Times Square skoro jako každé jiné. Až na jednu „maličkost“ - mikrobus Coast P-1, ve kterém nikdo neseděl na místě řidiče. Jde totiž o autonomní vozidlo, které nemá volant, informoval Digital Trends. Coast Autonomous je další značka, která se snaží

CSS: A New Kind of JavaScript

In this wacky and satirical post, Heydon Pickering describes a wild new technology called Cascading Style Sheets that solves a lot of the problems you might bump into when styling things with JavaScript: A good sign that a technology is not fit for purpose is how much we have to rely on workarounds...

What bit of advice would you share with someone new to your field?

The most FA of all the FAQs. Here's Laura Kalbag: Find what you love. Don’t worry about needing to learn every language, technique or tool. Start with what interests you, and carve your own niche. And then use your powers for good! And my own: Buy a domain name. Figure out how to put an HTML file...

Render Children in React Using Fragment or Array Components

What comes to your mind when React 16 comes up? Context? Error Boundary? Those are on point. React 16 came with those goodies and much more, but In this post, we'll be looking at the rendering power it also introduced — namely, the ability to render children using Fragments and Array...

Collective #433

Guppy * CSS: A New Kind Of JavaScript * Font Playground * ramd.js * Track * did.txt file * Seedbank * V8N * Stitches Collective #433 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Create your own Serverless API

If you don’t already know of it, Todd Motto has this great list of public APIs. It’s awesome if you’re trying out a new framework or new layout pattern and want to hit the ground running without fussing with the content. But what if you want or need to make your own API? Serverless can help create...

NY vs. SV: Které pobřeží v USA nabízí českým startupům víc

Český startup Integromat propojuje navzájem nekomunikující online služby, zatím co další startup Legito automatizuje tvorbu právních smluv. Co mají oba společné – během letošního jara se účastnili programu CzechAccelerator, v rámci kterého agentura CzechInvest vysílá startupy do akcelerátorů...

Design Systems at GitHub

Here’s a nifty post by Diana Mounter all about the design systems team at GitHub that details how the team was formed, the problems they've faced and how they've adapted along the way: When I started working at GitHub in late 2015, I noticed that there were many undocumented patterns, I had...

The CSS Paint API

The CSS Paint API is extremely exciting, not only for what it is, but what it represents, which is the beginning of a very exciting time for CSS. Let’s go over what it is, why we have it and how to start using it. What is the CSS Paint API? The API is just one part of a whole suite of...

CSS Grid in IE: Faking an Auto-Placement Grid with Gaps

This is the third and final part in a three-part series about using CSS grid safely in Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) without going insane. In Part 1, I covered some of the common misconceptions that people have about IE11’s native CSS grid implementation. In Part 2, I showed the world how easy...

CSS Grid in IE: CSS Grid and the New Autoprefixer

In Part 1 of this series, I debunked a few misconceptions that many people have around the Internet Explorer (IE) implementation of CSS grid. This article builds on that knowledge. It would be best to go back and read that article first if you haven’t already. Today I’m going to be tackling...

Potvrzeno: Nový phablet od Samsungu se ukáže 9. srpna v New Yorku

Společnost Samsung konečně potvrdila to, o čem se spekulovalo v kuloárech již delší dobu. V srpnu se ukáže nový phablet, který bude přímým nástupcem loňského top modelu Galaxy Note8. První střípky informací o novince již výrobce začal prozrazovat

Script & Style Show: Episode 13: Decentralized Identity with Daniel Buchner

In this episode:  David and Todd return from travels to San Francisco, Oslo, and Iceland, Todd reveals he’s a new (dog) father, and they welcome guest Daniel Buchner, a Senior PM for Microsoft’s Decentralized Identity team.  Daniel shares his knowledge about blockchain and crypto, then...

Centering: The Newest Coolest Way vs. The Oldest Coolest Way

This isn't a comprehensive guide to centering things. We have that! This is just a little observation about old and new. One of the trickier things related to centering in CSS is when you need to center both vertically and horizontally and you don't know the width or height of what you...

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