‘Breakthrough’ as Lightning Uses Web's Forgotten Payment Code
Lightning Labs believes its Lightning Service Authentication Tokens will do away with passwords and credit cards online
Web Performance Checklist
The other day, I realized that web performance is an enormous topic covering so very much — from minimizing assets to using certain file formats, it can be an awful lot to keep in mind while building a website. It’s certainly far too much for me to remember!
So I made a web performance checklist....
An Annotated Docker Config for Front-End Web Development
Andrew Welch sings the praises of using Docker containers for local dev environments:
Here are the advantages of Docker for me:
• Each application has exactly the environment it needs to run, including specific versions of any of the plumbing needed to get it to work (PHP, MySQL...
Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly
Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to solve the majority of uses cases. However, there are some animations that require a little bit more work.
You probably know that animations should...
[aktualita] Česká televize spustila vzdělávací web ČT edu
Česká televize spouští nový web, který pomůže s učením doma i na dálku. Webová stránka ČT edu od dnešního dne nabízí přes 3000 krátkých vzdělávacích videí určených pro děti předškolního věku i žáky středních škol. Videa pokrývají přes dvacítku předmětů od biologie po zeměpis a jsou přehledně...
Opera’s Android Web Browser Adds Access to .Crypto Domains for 80M Users
The “blockchain-ready” web browser has added support for Unstoppable Domains’ decentralized .crypto websites
Zavřená kina se stěhují na web. Internetový projekt Moje kino LIVE „promítá“ filmy každý večer
Nařízením vlády byla, vedle mnoha dalších podniků, uzavřena také kina. Pro filmové fanoušky je to nesporně velká rána, ale podobně, jako se situaci snaží přizpůsobit jiné segmenty, našli řešení i provozovatelé biografů. Konkrétně Kino Aero, Přítomnost, BIO | OKO, Kinofil, Bio Central, Kino
Maintaining Performance
Real talk from Dave:
I, Dave Rupert, a person who cares about web performance, a person who reads web performance blogs, a person who spends lots of hours trying to keep up on best practices, a person who co-hosts a weekly podcast about making websites and speak with web performance professionals…...
Get Static
In this piece, Eric Meyer argues that performance is more important than ever right now — especially for websites that contain critical information for the public:
If you are in charge of a web site that provides even slightly important information, or important services, it’s time to...
How to Repeat Text as a Background Image in CSS Using element()
There’s a design trend I’ve seen popping up all over the place. Maybe you’ve seen it too. It’s this sort of thing where text is repeated over and over. A good example is the price comparison website, GoCompare, who used it in a major multi-channel advertising campaign.
Nike has used it as well... chce dostat malé krámky na web. Objednáte chleba, zákusek i vysavač
Karanténa v Česku pokračuje už druhý týden a jen tak neskončí, byť se výhledově počítá s chytrou formou individuálního hledání rizikových osob. Musí se s tím vypořádat především malí prodejci, kteří mnohdy ze dne na den přišli o veškeré příjmy.
Zatímco někteří mají své vlastní e-shopy, anebo je
Indicating Scroll Position on a Page With CSS
Scrolling is something we all know and do on the web to the extent that it’s an expectation or perhaps even a habit, like brushing our teeth. That’s probably why we don’t put too much thought into designing the scrolling experience — it’s a well-known basic function. In fact, the popular “there...
Performance Links
I've had a number of browser tabs open to articles all related to web performance and gosh darn it if blogging them is a way for me get some closure. They are all good!
Manuel Matuzovic, Why 543 KB keep me up at night:
Yes, I know, it depends. 543 KB aren't always bad, but on that specific page...
Over 172 Million Weibo Users Personal Data Is For Sale on Dark Web
Chinese social media giant Weibo sees massive data breach, with data from millions of user accounts for sale for Bitcoin on the dark web
CSS Can Influence Screenreaders
Ben Myers covers some clear examples of where CSS totally changes what some screen readers announce. For example, some screenreader will see text-transform: uppercase; on a button label that says "Add" and read it like an abbreviation, "A.D.D."
These cases of CSS messing with our screenreader...
Jak jsme za pár hodin vytvořili v cloudu microsite o koronaviru
Pro Ministerstvo zdravotnictví jsme pomohli připravit krizový web o koronaviru, který se stal jedním z hlavních informačních kanálů pro všechny občany. Článek popisuje, jak jsme web upravili, aby zvládl tak velký nápor
‘Buy Bitcoin’ Searches Skyrocket, Exchange Volumes Spike, Crypto Account Signups Swell 83% As Coronavirus Fears Heighten
Exchange data and statistics from Google Trends, Twitter, and Baidu show that despite the recent price drop people are looking to buy bitcoin. During the week of the crypto market massacre that started on March 12, Coinbase broke traffic records and witnessed considerable trade volumes. Similarly...
Interpol Enlists Korean Startup to Track Crypto on the Dark Web
Interpol enlists a Korean startup holding patents for analyzing crypto flows across the deep net to help fight cybercrime across the dark web
I'm sure most of us have used the ol' Wayback Machine to access some site that's gone offline. I don't actually know how it decides what sites to archive and when, but you can tell it to save pages. There is UI for it right on its homepage.
Also, there is a little trick...
Client-Side Image Editing on Mobile
Michael Scharnagl:
Ever wanted to easily convert an image to a grayscale image on your phone? I do sometimes, and that's why I build a demo using the Web Share Target API to achieve exactly that.
For this I used the Service Worker way to handle the data. Once the data is received on the client,...