
Nalezeno "IT Team": 1727

How to build a bad design system

I didn’t realize this until it was far too late, but one of the biggest mistakes that’s made on a design systems team is a common mismanagement issue: there are too many people in a meeting and they have too many dang opinions. Is there a conversation about the color of your buttons that’s taking...

Consistent Backends and UX: How Do New Algorithms Help?

Article Series Why should you care? What can go wrong? What are the barriers to adoption? How do new algorithms help? In previous articles, we explained what consistency is, the difference between "strong" and "eventual" consistency, and why this distinction is more important than ever to modern...

A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS

CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. Here's an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In this guide, let's cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. calc() is for values The only place you...

15 Things to Improve Your Website Accessibility

This is a really great list from Bruce. There is a lot of directly actionable stuff here. Send it around to your team and make it something that you all go through together. Here's a little one that prodded me to finally fix... Most screen readers allow the user to quickly see a list of links...

I Pressed ⌘B. You Wouldn’t Believe What Happened Next

This talk by Marcin Wichary is — beyond both enthusiastic and outstanding — all about the complexity of UI design, typography, and the lengths his team at Figma has gone to make sure that doing something as simple as selecting a font from a dropdown does what you expect it to. I’d recommend this...

What to Use Instead of Number Inputs

You might reach for <input type="number> when you're, you know, trying to collect a number in a form. But it's got all sorts of issues. For one, sometimes what you want kinda looks like a number, but isn't one (like how a credit card number has spaces), because it's really just a string...

Bitcoin Gold Whale Allegedly Controls Half the BTG Supply

According to a recent study, bitcoin gold (BTG) market prices are being manipulated by a single whale who holds a significant portion of the bitcoin gold in circulation. The Bitcoin Gold network was recently hit with a 51% attack that caused two blockchain reorganizations. The team of...

What I Like About Craft CMS

Looking at the CMS scene today, there are upwards of 150 options to choose from — and that’s not including whatever home-grown custom alternatives people might be running. The term “Content Management System” is broad and most site builders fit into the CMS model. Craft CMS, a relatively new choice...

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