Financial future or false promises? Crypto firms go big on ads in 2022
Cryptocurrency companies have impressive advertising budgets this year, but industry experts have differing opinions when it comes to marketing crypto
Nezávislé hry pro Ukrajinu, ruská propaganda na TikToku a Twitter nově přístupný přes Tor
NFT a Metaversum nikoho nezajímají, LimeWire je zpět, CNN Plus přichází, Dirty Pipe, Amazon Amp. Co ještě přinesl právě končící #tyden?
The Donkey Kong Cock Blast Pringles Meme, (Unfortunately) Explained
If you check out the official Pringles Twitter account right now, you’ll notice an odd pattern in the replies. Folks are responding to every boring tweet about new flavors and favorite snacks with an image of Donkey Kong that makes it look like he is shooting lightning out of his crotch. Emblazoned...
Veteran Trader Peter Brandt Gives Gen Zers Advice: ‘Contribute Monthly Savings to Bitcoin and Hold’
Popular commentator and veteran trader Peter Brandt gave advice to Gen Zers on Thursday and said that they should contribute savings to bitcoin and stocks of solid companies. In the same Twitter thread, Brandt noted that “crypto is still unproven,” but also said that those that know...
ESPN's baseball reporter's Twitter account hacked by NFT scammers
The hackers hijacked the popular reporter’s account in an attempt to promote giveaways for the Skulltoons NFT project by duping users into clicking a malicious link
Twitter už funguje na Toru. Umožňuje tak přístup ruským uživatelům
Ruská vláda počátkem března zablokovala obyvatelům země přístup na sociální síť Twitter, aby neměli možnost sledovat necenzurované příspěvky, které označuje jako dezinformace. V úterý odborník na kybernetickou bezpečnost Alec Muffett oznámil, že pomohl implementovat oficiální verzi služby na
Real Hospital Attacked Online Over PlayStation And Xbox Flame Wars
Buckle up, because this story gets pretty wild. A hospital in India is currently being review bombed on Google after one of its staff–or at least someone claiming to be a doctor at the hospital–apparently shared a video of himself performing surgery on Twitter. In the accompanying tweet,...
International Women’s Day 2022 focuses on bringing women to Web3
Initiatives are launched on International Women’s Day 2022 to bring more women to Web3, but will this be enough in the long-run?
Ukraine Adds Dogecoin to List of Accepted Cryptos, Prime Minister Asks DOGE Co-Founder and Elon Musk to Donate
According to a Twitter announcement stemming from Ukraine’s vice prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, the Ukrainian government will now accept dogecoin donations. Fedorov highlighted that meme assets like dogecoin are worth more than the Russian ruble and “even [memes] can support...
AMC Theatres to Accept Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Payments in Coming Weeks, CEO Says
The CEO of the world’s largest movie exhibition company, AMC Entertainment, has announced that AMC Theatres will accept two meme cryptocurrencies, dogecoin (DOGE) and shiba inu (SHIB), in the coming weeks. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Payments Coming to AMC Theatres in March The CEO of...
Evropa vykázala ruská média, v Rusku naopak některým zlobí Twitter a Facebook
Zatímco Evropa nebo třeba Kanada v průběhu víkendu postupně uzavíraly své vzdušné prostory pro ruské letouny a stejně tak oznamovaly, že vykážou ze svých zemí jejich zpravodajské weby RT, Sputnik a další, protistrana se podle mnoha zpráv pustila do sociálních sítí.
Některým uživatelům údajně
Adult Film Star Lana Rhoades Deletes Twitter Account After NFT Project Was Criticized
Adult film star Lana Rhoades is being criticized for her non-fungible token (NFT) project called “Cryptosis,” after $1.5 million of ethereum from the mint was withdrawn from the project’s wallet. The crypto withdrawal took place after Rhoades told her fans that the NFTs would...
Twitter omylem smazal účty, které rozkrývaly dezinformace kolem ukrajinské války. Omluvil se a radí Ukrajincům s bezpečností
Přísun informací z ukrajinské války je složitý. Místy vypadává elektřina, vládní weby čelí kybernetickým útokům, takže svět částečně spoléhá na svědectví ze sociálních sítí. Jenže Twitteru se podařilo omylem odstranit několik účtů, které sledovaly ruskou vojenskou aktivitu. Firma už se omluvila a
Ukrajinští vývojáři žádají o podporu, na Twitteru se šíří heslo #FuckTheWar
Světová videoherní scéna vesměs odsoudila vpád ruských vojsk na Ukrajinu. Tamní vývojáři celosvětových hitů jako Metro, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. nebo Sherlock Holmes žádají své fanoušky o finanční podporu
Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is Actually A Video Game
ArmA III, a video game that in the right circumstances can look pretty realistic, has a long history of turning up on news broadcasts and being either confused with or intentionally used in place of actual camera footage of real-world events. That trend is continuing in the current crisis...
Twitter users ask Ukrainian armed forces to start accepting crypto donations
Ukraine's Ministry of Defense claims it has received numerous requests from foreigners to donate to its Armed Forces, but it cannot accept crypto proceeds
Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code to Me
For the past few weeks, I’ve been hiring for a senior full-stack JavaScript engineer at my rental furniture company, Pabio. Since we’re a remote team, we conduct our interviews on Zoom, and I’ve observed that some developers are not …
Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code...
Puma rebrands to Puma.eth on Twitter
The sports company added the ENS domain name to its growing collection of NFTs, joining Nike and Adidas in the metaverse
Who really created the Coinbase Superbowl ads? Armstrong called out on Twitter
"No ad agency would have done this ad," claimed CEO Brian Armstrong. Except... an ad agency alleges it did pitch this concept to Coinbase
Crypto Twitter is not happy with the name and logo of Jamaican CBDC
The Jam-Dex is named after the Jamaican Digital Exchange following a competition. Its slogan is "no cash, no problem."