
Nalezeno "web form": 2749

Animating with Lottie

I believe animation on the web is not only fun, but engaging in such a way that it has converted site visitors into customers. Think of the “Like” button on Twitter. When you “like” a tweet, tiny colorful bubbles … The post Animating with Lottie appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

New Web Design Trends and Inspiration for 2021

Web design trends come and go. Thanks to the upheaval in 2020, web designers are going to see some common trends fall by the wayside for safer design choices. The post New Web Design Trends and Inspiration for 2021 appeared first on Codrops

navigator.clipboard API

Interacting with a user’s host clipboard is something web developers have wanted for both good and evil purposes. On the good side, it’s nice to allow users to easily copy text like wallet addresses or branch names; for evil, copying malicious text that the user may mistakenly paste...

IRS Updates Tax Requirements for Cryptocurrency Owners

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has updated its instructions for disclosing crypto activities. The update provides clarification on who must answer “yes” to the IRS’ crypto question and when it is appropriate to select “no” as the answer. IRS Publishes...

The End of Adobe Flash

I come to bury Flash, not to praise it, writes Matt May in this excellent thread about the end of Adobe Flash. Not so long ago, web designers used Flash to create striking visuals and animations and games. But … The post The End of Adobe Flash appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Nice site from Google (and guest contributors) with a bunch of fun demos of what Houdini can do. Plus a write-up from Una. These are all Paint API demos. Houdini is technically a group of seven things that are all … The post appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Centering in CSS

Adam Argyle has a post over on digging into this. He starts with the assumption that you need to do vertical centering and horizontal centering. It’s that vertical centering that has traditionally been a bit trickier for folks, particularly … The post Centering in CSS appeared...

A font-display setting for slow connections

Me, I really dislike FOUT. I like that it’s an option, because not displaying text quickly on the web is no good. I know font-display: swap; is popular because it’s good for performance, but that FOUT stuff pains me. Matt … The post A font-display setting for slow connections...

3 Steps to Enable Client Hints on Your Image CDN

The goal of Client Hints is to provide a framework for a browser when informing the server about the context in which a web experience is provided. HTTP Client Hints are a proposed set of HTTP Header Fields for proactive … The post 3 Steps to Enable Client Hints on Your Image CDN appeared...

Chapter 6: Web Design

Previously in web history… After the first websites demonstrate the commercial and aesthetic potential of the web, the media industry floods the web with a surge of new content. Amateur webzines — which define and voice and tone unique to … The post Chapter 6: Web Design appeared first...

Responsible, Conditional Loading

Over on the Polyplane blog (there’s no byline but presumably it’s Kilian Valkhof), there is a great article, Creating websites with prefers-reduced-data, about the prefers-reduced-data media query. No browser support yet, but eventually you can use it in CSS to make choices that reduce...

Firefox 85 nabídne cache partitioning. Web bude pomalejší, ale bezpečnější

V lednu dorazí Firefox 85 a jednou z jeho citelnějších bezpečnostních novinek bude izolovaná cache – tzv. storage partitioning. Technologii už v různé míře používají také Safari a Chrome. Oč se jedná? Když dnes ve Firefoxu načtete web X a poté web Y, mohou sdílet stejný webový obsah, který se

Continuous Performance Analysis with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions

Lighthouse is a free and open-source tool for assessing your website’s performance, accessibility, progressive web app metrics, SEO, and more. The easiest way to use it is through the Chrome DevTools panel. Once you open the DevTools, you will see a “Lighthouse” tab. Clicking the “Generate report”...

Edge Everything

The series is a wrap my friends! Thanks for reading and a big special thanks to all the authors this year who shared something they have learned. Many authors really swung wide with thoughts about how we can be better and do better, which of course I really love. Adam showed us logical properties...

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