Invesco Blockchain ETF to Debut on London Stock Exchange, Facebook’s Cryptocurrency a Potentially Cash Cow
Apart from the falling digital asset prices, the crypto industry is going through a good spell as positive developments have been announced in the past days. American based asset manager Invesco has launched a blockchain-based ETF that will trade on […]
The post Invesco Blockchain ETF...
Korea Exchange Official: US Decision on Bitcoin ETF Will Set Tone for Local Crypto Market
An official at South Korea’s sole securities exchange operator, the Korea Exchange, says the bourse is closely eyeing developments from U.S. regulators in regard to crypto ETFs
CoinMarketCap joins the ecosystem in Malta
Malta, January 7th, 2019 – CoinMarketCap, the world’s most trusted and accurate source of data for the cryptocurrency market, is to join the office space at the Malta-based chiliZ Blockchain Campus. We aim to better localize and improve our product […]
The post CoinMarketCap joins...
Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: EOS, Binance Coin, TRON, Litecoin, Bitcoin
Hackers attack EOS DApps, Lightning Network ready to launch on CoinGate: this week’s top performers
Overstock Venture Chief Expects Market for Blockchain Products in 2019
Overstock's blockchain arm, Medici Ventures, has big plans for 2019, as the e-commerce giant moves towards a February sale
Blockchain and Crypto in the Labor Market: Overview of Salaries, Taxes and the Most In-Demand Jobs
“Half-a-million-dollar job” and “insane packages”: How much are blockchain specialists paid today and is the demand for their skills as high as before?
How Crypto Market Fall Influences Mining Hardware Sales and Producers’ Revenues
AMD and Nvidia stocks fell by 48% and 36% correspondingly last month, and Bitmain has allegedly lost $600-700 million in Q2. Is the mining hardware industry falling along with crypto market?
The State of Headless CMS Market
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In March and April 2018, Kentico conducted the first global report about the state of headless CMS market. We surveyed 986 CMS practitioners in 85 countries about their opinions, adoption, and plans for using headless CMS. The survey contains valuable industry insights...
Just One Top Crypto Bucked This Week’s Market Downturn
Shadowing the losses in bitcoin, the top-25 cryptocurrencies have all fallen over the last seven days – all bar one, that is
These Crypto Assets Are Pushing the Market Back Toward $500 Billion
The crypto markets continued to build on April's gains this week, with alternative cryptocurrencies like nano, VeChain and bytecoin leading the way
Jediné místo na světě, kde si sami postavíte iPhone. Stačí vědět, co koupit
Největší tržiště s elektronikou na světě. Ve čtvrti Huaqiangbei ve městě Šen-čen seženete úplně všechno. A slovo „úplně“ berte bez nadsázky. Na YouTube kolují videa, jak ze zde pořízených součástek postavíte iPhone. Koupíte zde čipy, kabely, 3D tiskárny, ale i ty nejobyčejnější součástky. Musíte...
‘V’ Recovery? ETC Posts Big Gains In Sideways Market
The price of ethereum classic's cryptocurrency is on a tear, reporting double-digit gains Tuesday amid an otherwise sidways market
Red Tide: Double-Digit Losses Sweep Crypto Asset Market
The cryptocurrency markets are a sea of red today, with all the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap reporting double-digit percentage losses for the last 24 hours (at press time). Bitcoin (BTC) has dropped 16 percent over the same period to 10-week lows below $8,000, and is heading towards...
Crypto Market Sheds Billions as Top 100 Assets Down
It's a down day for the cryptocurrency markets, with gains in sight, data reveals
Bitcoin Up $2k on Day as Market Nears $400 Billion
The price of bitcoin continued to show gains on Wednesday, defying critics to set a new all-time high on a stellar night-time trading session chce změnit cestovatelské stereotypy. Nabídne komplexní zážitek v jakékoliv destinaci
Možná si řeknete, že jde jen o další vyhledávač letenek, když poprvé navštívíte Jenže cíl nové české onlinové cestovní kanceláře je mnohem větší – s letenkou vám chce prodat komplexní zážitek v cílové destinaci. A i tu za vás možná vybere. chce vše spojené s výběrem...
Prague Startup Market je tu: Praha otevřela tržnici pro startupy
Prague Startup Centre, magistrátní inkubátor, včera slavnostně otevřel novou pobočku – v jedné z hal holešovické tržnice nově sídlí Prague Startup Market. Místo, které má pomáhat startupům růst a „nabízet se“, jak už umístění i název napovídá. „Jsme rádi, že se nám podařilo splnit náš slib...
$600k for an Ethereum Name? A Thriving Auction Market Is Underway
An ethereum project aimed at decentralizing the domain space is winning enthusiasm – and investment dollars – from crypto investors
Bitcoin’s Price is Nearing All-Time Highs, But Market Confidence Isn’t
While the price of bitcoin is within striking distance of all-time highs set in March, worries about the state of the network’s infrastructure are combining to depress sentiment. Chief among concerns are the ongoing issues at British Virgin Islands-based digital currency exchange Bitfinex,...