
Nalezeno "options": 1672

Pseudo-Randomly Adding Illustrations with CSS

Between each post of Eric Meyer’s blog there’s this rather lovely illustration that can randomly be one of these five options: Eric made each illustration into a separate background image then switches out that image with the nth-of-type CSS property, like this: .entry:nth-of-type(2n+1)::before...

Binance Announces Launch of Options Trading on Mobile Devices

Crypto exchange Binance announced on Monday that it had launched the Options Trading on mobile devices. As the official announcement on its website, the new option will only be available on the latest version of the Binance mobile application. #Binance Launches Options Trading on Mobile...

12 Platforms Allowing You to Trade Gift Cards With Cryptocurrencies

In an emergency situation like the current coronavirus pandemic, anything can turn into currency as the fiat system may experience cash shortages and devaluation. Cryptocurrency users have options to trade bitcoin beyond traditional money. A number of platforms will let you exchange...

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