Kdyby v obřím New Yorku jezdila jen sdílená robotická auta, podle studie by jich stačila jen polovina
Skupina výzkumníků z MIT, která se už v minulosti zabývala optimalizací sdílení vozů (car-sharing), publikovala článek (PDF) v časopisu Nature, ve kterém popisuje svůj model optimalizace organizace taxi dopravy v New Yorku, konkrétně na Manhattanu.
Optimalizace je zlatý důl každé pokročilé taxi
Learning Gutenberg: Setting up a Custom webpack Config
Gutenberg introduces the modern JavaScript stack into the WordPress ecosystem, which means some new tooling should be learned. Although tools like create-guten-block are incredibly useful, it’s also handy to know what’s going on under the hood.
Article Series:
Series Introduction
Just a Couple’a Fun Typography Links
Marcin Wichary made an incredible demo exploring "segmented type" as in, the kind you might see on a display like a microwave, but scaling up in complexity from there.
"Datalegreya is a typeface which can interweave data curves with text."
Airbnb commissions their own new font, Cereal (complete...
Learning Gutenberg: What is Gutenberg, Anyway?
Gutenberg is the new React-driven SPA editing experience in WordPress. Oh wait, a string of buzzwords doesn't count for a viable explanation of software? We’re going to unpack that string of buzzwords as we explain what Gutenberg is.
Article Series:
Series Introduction
Learning Gutenberg: Series Introduction
Hey CSS-Tricksters! 👋 We have a special long-form series we’re kicking off here totally dedicated to Gutenberg, a major change to the WordPress editor. I’ve invited a dynamic duo of authors to bring you this series, which will bring you up to speed on what Gutenberg is, what it can do...
Foreword for CSS In Depth
Keith Grant recently released a brand new book on CSS: CSS in Depth. If you're looking for a book focused specifically on learning CSS, you've found it. I was happy to write the foreword for it, which I'll republish here.
"A minute to learn... A lifetime to master." That phrase might feel...
Foreword for CSS In Depth
Keith Grant recently released a brand new book on CSS: CSS in Depth. If you're looking for a book focused specifically on learning CSS, you've found it. I was happy to write the foreword for it, which I'll republish here.
"A minute to learn... A lifetime to master." That phrase might feel...
Get to Know React's New Context API
In a world where there are lots of different front-end frameworks, it's always hard to know which one to pick. Do I want to use the ever popular Angular? Or would diving into VueJS be beneficial to
The team at Figma has created a new resource for “learning, creating and evangelizing design systems” called Design Systems that already has a good collection of interviews and articles by some folks thinking about these things.
I particularly liked Jeroen Ransijn’s post on how to convince your...
Web Scraping Scotch: The Node Way
A lot of new web technologies and design paradigms have emerged in the last couple of years. Some programming languages are beginning to gain increasing popularity. It's very likely to have heard a
8 Awesome New Features in Sublime Text 3.1
What are developers without code editors? I can't seem to think of a clear answer to that. In recent times, code editors have evolved from traditional IDEs to smarter and faster tools. While some f
Konkurence Muska nelení. Bezosova raketa New Shepard se úspěšně vrátila
Nová verze rakety amerického miliardáře Jeffa Bezose má za sebou další úspěšný let. Po prosincovém prvním testovacím letu v neděli opět bez problémů dosáhla výšky 106 kilometrů a rozdělena na dvě části se bezpečně snesla na místo přistání.Další články k tématu:Velký vesmírný rekord: stejná raketa...
CSS Blocks
A new entry into the CSS-in-JS landscape! Looks like the idea is that you write an individual CSS file for every component. You have to work in components, that's how the whole thing works. In the same isle as styled-components, css-modules, and glamorous.
Then you write :scope { } which is...
What's New in Node 10 "Dubnium"
Node.js 10.0.0 is the seventh major Node.js release since the launch of the Node.js Foundation. In October of 2018, it will become the next Active Long Term Support branch
(This is a sponsored post.)
Huge thanks to Kinsta for sponsoring CSS-Tricks this week! We're big fans of WordPress around here, and know some of you out there are too. So this might come of interest: Kinsta is WordPress hosting that runs on Google Cloud Platform. And in fact, it's officially...
VuePress Static Site Generator
VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line.
We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...
The Dark Side of Promises
Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
5 Crucial Concepts for Learning d3.js and How to Understand Them
You may have already heard about d3.js, the dazzling JavaScript library that lets you create beautiful charts and graphics with just a few lines of code. You might have seen some of the fantastic examples of D3 in action, or you may have heard that the New York Times uses it to create...
[článek] Zabije nás umělá inteligence? Pokud měl Darwin pravdu, tak ano, míní Zandl
[1 minuta čtení] Jak se změní svět, až (a pokud vůbec) umělá inteligence přesáhne schopnosti člověka? Přinášíme přednášku Patricka Zandla z březnové konference New Media Inspiration. UVNITŘ VIDEO. Patrick Zandl patří k předním technologickým novinářům v Česku. V minulosti vedl téměř čtyři roky...