
Nalezeno "Blockchain": 22396

Filecoin, IoTeX & IPFS Bringing Decentralized Updates for Surveillance Cams

Ucam. A new trio has been formed to work on the decentralization of the Internet of Things (IoT) - starting with updates for a surveillance camera. The partners-in-decentralization are privacy-focused blockchain platform for IoT, IoTeX, a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing...

3 Potential Uses Cases For Blockchain In Africa

While blockchain technology still can be considered to be in its infancy, some regions, particularly Asia, have advanced in their blockchain-related developments and integrations. Meanwhile, in Africa, for a region replete with many notably corrupt governments, a little more embrace of blockchain...

Journeys in Blockchain: Robert Wiecko of DASH Core Group

“I loved crypto. I loved the libertarian ideas. At that time, everyone was talking about freedom, about privacy, about the necessity of changing finance, about giving back financial freedom to people. I really believed in that and I still believe in such ideas.”

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