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Developing a design environment

Jules Forrest discusses some of the work that her team at Credit Karma has been up to when it comes to design systems. Jules writes: most engineering organizations, you spend your whole first day setting up your development environment so you can actually ship code. It’s generally pretty...

Build Native Modals Using the Dialog Element

With release of HTML 5.2 comes the dialog element. The dialog element has been around for a while now but was an experimental technology. Previously, if we wanted to build a mo

Learning Gutenberg: React 101

Although Gutenberg is put together with React, the code we’re writing to make custom blocks isn’t. It certainly resembles a React component though, so I think it’s useful to have a little play to get familiar with this sort of approach. There’s been a lot of reading in this series so far, so let’s...

Unicode Patterns

These Unicode patterns by Yuan Chuan are extraordinarily clever. It's a <css-doodle> custom web component that sets up a CSS grid and randomizes what character to drop into a cell and things, like color. See all their gorgeous work on CodePen and the very cool <css-doodle> website...

Custom List Number Styling

How about a classic CSS trick! This isn't even so tricky anymore, since CSS has counter-increment and counter-reset and such that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how it works and had some easy-to-copy examples at the ready. Let's say all you wanna do is style the dang...

Build Nodejs APIs Using Serverless

Simona Cotin did a great talk at Microsoft Build about Serverless technologies, called "Build Node APIs Using Serverless." In this talk, she addresses pretty much every major gotcha that you might run into while creating Serverless infrastructure for JavaScript applications. Some of the topics...

How React Reconciliation Works

React is fast! Some of that speed comes from updating only the parts of the DOM that need it. Less for you to worry about and a speed gain to boot. As long as you understand the workings of setState(), you should be good to go. However, it’s also important to familiarize yourself with how this...

Responsive tables, revisited

Lea Verou with some extra super fancy CSS trickery. No way we could miss linking this one up! One of the problems with responsive table solutions, at least the ones where you are using CSS to rejigger things, is that there is duplicated content somewhere. Either in CSS or HTML. Lea finds two ways...

The backdrop-filter CSS property

I had never heard of the backdrop-filter property until yesterday, but after a couple of hours messing around with it I’m positive that it’s nothing more than magic. This is because it adds filters (like changing the hue, contrast or blur) of the background of an element without changing the text...

It All Started With Emoji: Color Typography on the Web

“Typography on the web is in single color: characters are either black or red, never black and red …Then emoji hit the scene, became part of Unicode, and therefore could be expressed by characters — or “glyphs” in font terminology. The smiley, levitating businessman and the infamous pile...

How to Get a React Component’s Element

JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much.  Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code.  One drawback of JSX, however, is that it makes accessing...

Git Integration in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code has easily become one of the most popular editors out there for Web Development. It has gained such popularity thanks to its many built in features, including source control inte

Overriding Default Button Styles

There are a variety of "buttons" in HTML. You've got: <button>Button</button> <input type="button" value="Button"> Plus, for better or worse, people like having links that are styled to match the look of other true buttons on the site <a href="#0"...

8 Awesome New Features in Sublime Text 3.1

What are developers without code editors? I can't seem to think of a clear answer to that. In recent times, code editors have evolved from traditional IDEs to smarter and faster tools. While some f

Grid Level 2 and Subgrid

I find the concept of subgrid a little hard to wrap my mind around. I do understand the idea that we want to use nested semantic markup as we like and have elements participate in one grid so we don't have to flatten our markup just for layout reasons. But that is largely handled by display:...

VS Code Can Do That?

Clever microsite from Burke Holland and Sarah Drasner that highlights some of VS Code's coolest features. All fifteen of them are pretty darn cool. Here's a few other compelling features I've seen people use/love: There is a terminal right in there, so you don't need a separate app. The GitLens...

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