Let’s Build a JAMstack E-Commerce Store with Netlify Functions
A lot of people are confused about what JAMstack is. The acronym stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, but truly, JAMstack doesn’t have to include all three. What defines JAMstack is that it’s served without web servers. If you consider the history of computing, this type of abstraction isn’t...
Placing, Spanning and Density in CSS Grid
The most common things you learn in CSS Grid is usually related to the grid container and less about the grid items. A generic grid definition applied to the grid container is enough for a basic la
Vinylové desky s HD zvukem by měly přijít na trh v roce 2019
Návrat gramofonů do obývacích pokojů může v příštím roce dostat nový impuls. Rakouská firma plánuje představit „High Definition Vinyl“, tedy gramofonovou desku se zvukem s vysokým rozlišením.Další články k tématu:Veletrh IFA: Po třiceti letech se vrací legendární gramofon PanasonicGramofony...
cite and blockquote – reloaded
The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...
cite and blockquote – reloaded
The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...