
Nalezeno "Earth": 155

Bitcoin wallet orbiting the Earth

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 9 December, 2019 “Nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has their flaws; everybody has their dark secrets and vices.” - Juice Wrld ????   In today's newsletter, we will be covering: a Bitcoin wallet […] The post...

A Codebase and a Community

I woke up one morning and realized that I had it all wrong. I discovered that code and design are unable to solve every problem on a design systems team, even if many problems can be solved by coding and designing in a dark room all day. Wait, huh? How on earth does that make any sense? Well...

Greta Thunberg Joins Satoshi in Questioning Bank Bailouts

Saving planet Earth is a noble goal with many different dimensions. Climate change needs to be addressed vigorously as our world warms up faster than ever. Economic development needs a higher degree of financial freedom to provide everyone access to opportunities and wealth. A teenager from...

Earth day, API’s and sunshine.

Cassie Evans showcases some really nifty web design ideas and explores using the API provided by the company her team over at Clearleft recently hired to cover their building's roof with solar panels. Cassie outlines her journey designing a webpage that uses the API to populate some light data...

Prehistorický Google Earth. Zjistěte, kde byste byli před miliony let

3D mapa naší planety inspirovaná glóbem Google Earth vás zavede do minulosti. Projděte si jednotlivá historická období a pozorujte, jak se stěhovaly státy i celé kontinenty.Další články k tématu:Google vylepšil svůj glóbus. Earth má průvodce i „šťastné“ tlačítkoŠéf Googlu: Naše AI nebude sloužit...

„Havarované UFO“ na Google Earth je ve skutečnosti přírodní fenomén

Obrázek z Google Earth se stal předmětem divokých spekulací poté, co se objevil ve videu zveřejněném na YouTube kanálu zaměřeném na různé konspirační teorie. Z dotyčného videa, které mělo v době psaní tohoto textu přes 1 100 000 zhlédnutí, plyne, že by mohlo jít o důkaz existence mimozemšťanů.

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