GTA 6's Teaser Image Has Three Birds I Can't Stop Thinking About
After years and years of waiting, rumors, fake leaks, real leaks, and teases, we at last know when the trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto game (presumably called GTA VI) will be here. On December 5, we’ll finally see the sequel to GTA V. That’s all very exciting. But, instead, let’s talk about...
Kotaku Asks: What Do You Want To See From GTA 6?
At long last, the GTA VI rumor mill can slow down. Rockstar Games officially announced the sequel in February 2022, but the studio just confirmed that a trailer for the long-awaited crime sim sequel will arrive on December 5. As we gear up for GTA VI‘s reveal, we at Kotaku have just one question:...
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer Drops December 5
Grand Theft Auto VI’s trailer reveal is just days away. Rockstar Games confirmed it will finally show the much anticipated next game in the hit open world franchise on December 5, calling it the first trailer of many. Read more
The Worst Versions Of The Original GTA Trilogy Are Coming To Netflix Games
Ahead of next month’s Grand Theft Auto VI trailer, three classic GTA games from the PlayStation 2 era are coming to Netflix’s mobile library in December. These might not be the versions fans actually want ported to more platforms, though, even if some visual improvements seem to have been made....
Rockstar Co-Founder & GTA Lead Writer Finally Reveals What He's Been Working On
Dan Houser, who co-founded Rockstar Games and was the lead writer on multiple Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption games, has finally revealed what his new studio is working on. If you were expecting a video game…well, you’ll have to keep waiting. Read more
GTA: Vice City's Weird Moon Easter Egg Finally Explained
In 2001’s genre-defining PlayStation 2 smash Grand Theft Auto III, if you pulled out a sniper rifle and shot at the moon, it would change size. For years, fans tried to explain why this funny little secret was included in the game. Was it a reference to something? A smaller part of a larger secret?...
Former GTA Developer Silenced By Rockstar For Sharing Fun Anecdotes
Former Rockstar North developer Obbe Vermeij had been enjoying a few weeks of sharing some decades-old tales. Reminiscing on his many days with the GTA developer, Vermeij took to his personal blog to recall revealing inside stories behind games like San Andreas and Vice City, and everyone...
Kolik bude stát GTA 6? Vydavatel hrozí, že jsou dnes hry velmi, velmi levné
Ředitel vydavatelství Take Two Strauss Zelnick zpochybnil metodu současného naceňování videoher. Myslí si, že v porovnání s ostatními zábavními médii nabízí interaktivní zábava nejvyšší přidanou hodnotu. Načasování tohoto prohlášení s blížícím se představením Grand Theft Auto 6 jistě není náhodné
Ještě ani nevyšla ukázka a někteří lidé už lámou nad GTA 6 hůl
Herní svět je natěšený na slíbenou ukázku z nového dílu Grand Theft Auto, ovšem jistá část komunity už teď přísahá, že si hru nekoupí. Proč? Prý vše napovídá tomu, že nový díl bude moc politicky korektní
Will GTA 6 Incorporate an In-Game Cryptocurrency? Lawyer Shares Insights
Source: AdobeStock / Jimmy Tudeschi The highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto (GTA) VI is coming – but will it come with an in-game cryptocurrency? A lawyer has suggested that perhaps not. Yet. The fifth installment of GTA was launched in September 2013. Rockstar Games, GTA’s developer...
Fanoušek slíbil vypít hrnek moči, pokud bude brzy oznámeno GTA 6. A nelhal
Spekulací ohledně plánovaného představení videohry Grand Theft Auto 6 bylo v posledních letech už tolik, že i ti největší nadšenci vůči nim začali být skeptičtí. Jeden z nich dokonce nedůvěru vyjádřil slovy, že pokud bude hra oznámená ještě v tomto týdnu, napije se vlastní moči. Ke zděšení...
Here's Why GTA VI Probably Won't Have a Crypto Component
Rumors are persistent that the next Grand Theft Auto will have a GameFi element. Lawyers aren't so sure, but there's a catch
A Decade Of GTA VI Speculation, Rumors, And Hijinks Will Soon Come To An End
On Wednesday, Rockstar Games officially confirmed that—after many years of waiting—the next Grand Theft Auto game will finally be revealed via a trailer in early December. People online are understandably going wild over the news and it marks the end of a bizarre era of endless speculation...
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer Reveal Everyone's Waiting For Officially Happening In December
Possibly the most anticipated video game reveal ever is just weeks away. Rockstar Games president Sam Houser confirmed Grand Theft Auto VI will get its big trailer reveal in December, showcasing the next game in the hit open world series after massive hacks, insider reports, and years of rampant...
12 Years After The GTA V Trailer, So Much Has Changed
Grand Theft Auto V is one of the bestselling video games of all time. It’s been released on multiple console generations and its online multiplayer component, GTA Online, is still one of the biggest games in the world. But before all that, 12 years ago today, Rockstar Games blew people’s minds...
GTA VI Patent Hints At Rockstar's Most Immersive Game Yet
A recently uncovered Rockstar Games patent suggests the developer could be using new technology to make NPCs in its games more immersive, particularly when it comes to the highly anticipated action-adventure crime sim GTA VI.Read more
GTA VI má mít vylepšený systém dynamických a realistických animací. Napovídá tomu patent Rockstaru
Internet šílí z možnosti blížícího se odhalení nového GTA
Každým dnem by se podle spekulací mohlo odhalit Grand Theft Auto VI. Na sociální síti X prakticky každý den trenduje název hry, čehož i někteří uživatelé zneužívají falešnými trailery nebo žadoněním o lajky. Od hry má navíc spousta lidí až nereálná očekávání
Minecraftu se prodalo již 300 milionů kopií. Více než GTA V a Tetrisu dohromady
GTA VI Superfans Hopeful The Big Reveal Is Imminent (Again)
A 4chan user alleges they’ve watched a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI, Rockstar Games’ years-in-the-making action-adventure game that’s already been leaked so hard we might as well call it a river. And GTA fans, always eager for the smallest morsel about their upcoming obsession, seemed ready...