
Nalezeno "HTML": 2730

VS Code Extensions for HTML

Let’s look at some extensions for VS Code that make writing and editing HTML (and languages that are basically HTML with extra powers) better. You may not like all of them. Maybe some of them don’t appeal to you, solve … The post VS Code Extensions for HTML appeared first...

Principles for user-centered front-end development

Colin Oakley: • Accessible — Use semantic HTML, and make sure we meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard as a minimum and it works with assisted technologies (this sits alongside the DWP Accessibility Manual) • Agnostic — Build … The post Principles for user-centered front-end...

Can I :has()

I just joked that we’re basically getting everything we want in CSS super fast (mostly referring to container queries, my gosh, can you imagine they are actually coming?). Now we might actually get parent selectors?! As in .parent:has(.child) { … The post Can I :has() appeared first...

Are Custom Properties a “Menu of What Will Change”?

PPK laid out an interesting situation in “Two options for using custom properties” where he and Stefan Judis had two different approaches for doing the same thing with custom properties. In one approach, hover and focus styles for a … The post Are Custom Properties a “Menu...

fit-content and fit-content()

Here’s some hardcore deep-dive CSS nerdery from PPK. If you can wrap your mind around min-content (the smallest an element can be based on the content it contains) and max-content (the largest the content of an element can push it) … The post fit-content and fit-content() appeared...

The Humble `img` Element And Core Web Vitals

Addy Osmani on images in HTML: The humble <img> element has gained some superpowers over the years. Given how central it is to image optimization on the web, let’s catch up on what it can do and how it can … The post The Humble `img` Element And Core Web Vitals appeared...

A Love Letter to HTML & CSS

I see you. In the back there, behind JavaScript and React and PHP and all those “real” programming languages, I see you. And I appreciate you. The post A Love Letter to HTML & CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter

HTML Boilerplates

Manuel Matuzović goes line-by-line through a boilerplate HTML document. I like it. It’s a good reference and has a lot of the same type of stuff I tend to put in the main HTML template. It makes me think about … The post HTML Boilerplates appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive

Let’s talk about disabled buttons. Specifically, let’s get into why we use them and how we can do better than the traditional disabled attribute in HTML (e.g. <button disabled> ) to mark a button as disabled. There are lots of … The post Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive...


This is extremely fun. Jeff Lindsay has created Topframe, and writes: Anybody that knows how to mess around with HTML can now mess around with their desktop computing experience. Topframe is an open source tool that lets you … The post Topframe appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

HTML report v jazyce Java na pár řádků (dokončení)

V minulém blogu jsem prezentoval tvorbu tabulkového HTML reportu s AJAX filtrováním a uživatelským řazením sloupců – pomocí několika málo řádků kódu zapsaných do jediného příkazu jazyka Java. Využil jsem k tomu třídu ReportBuilder z frameworku Ujorm. Dnes bych vám rád ukázal, jak lze do buněk...

Web Languages as Compile Targets

Jim Nielsen quoting Eric Bailey: He references an example on Twitter where someone noted you can use the <details> element to “create a native HTML accordion,” to which someone responded: “this works without Bootstrap? 🤯” What’s the problem here? From … The post...

List Markers and String Styles

Lists—we’ve all worked with them in one form or another. I’m talking about HTML’s <ol> and <ul>. Much of the time, because we desire styling control, we turn off the list’s markers completely with list-style-type: none, and start … The post List Markers and String Styles...

The Making (and Potential Benefits) of a CSS Font

Not a typical one, at least. Each character is an HTML element, built with CSS. A true web font! Let me elaborate. This is a way to render text without using any font at all. Random text is split with … The post The Making (and Potential Benefits) of a CSS Font appeared first...

The `ping` attribute on anchor links

I didn’t know this was a thing until Stefan Judis’s post: <a href="" ping=""Read popular posts</a You give an anchor link a URL via a ping attribute, and the browser will hit that URL with a...

Detect CSS Overflow Elements

Every once in a while you encounter a CSS annoyance that takes some cleverness to discover. One such case rears its ugly head in unwanted and unexpected scrollbars. When I see unwanted scrollbars, I usually open developer tools, click the element inspector, and hover around until I find...

Definition Tag

It’s <dfn. Jen Kramer is doing a #30DaysofHTML email list thing-y on Substack, which is an easy subscribe. It’s only been a few days and all of them have little gems, even for someone like me who likes to … The post Definition Tag appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

HTML report v jazyce Java na pár řádků

V tomto blogu vám představím tabulkový HTML report vytvořený pomocí pouhých třinácti řádků zdrojového kódu zapsaných do jediného příkazu jazyka Java. Předpokládejme přitom, že služba pro získání dat už existuje. Pokud budeme chtít uživatelům nabídnout také jednoduché (sekvenční) filtrování obsahu...

HTML Inputs and Labels: A Love Story

Most inputs have something in common — they are happiest with a companion label! And the happiness doesn’t stop there. Forms with proper inputs and labels are much easier for people to use and that makes people happy too. A… The post HTML Inputs and Labels: A Love Story appeared first...

How to describe element’s natural sizing behavior

PPK: When introducing width and height I explain that by default width takes as much horizontal space as it can, while height takes as little vertical space as possible. This leads to a discussion of these two opposed models … The post How to describe element’s natural sizing...

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