
Nalezeno "RON": 163

An Annotated Docker Config for Front-End Web Development

Andrew Welch sings the praises of using Docker containers for local dev environments: Here are the advan­tages of Dock­er for me: • Each appli­ca­tion has exact­ly the envi­ron­ment it needs to run, includ­ing spe­cif­ic ver­sions of any of the plumb­ing need­ed to get it to work (PHP, MySQL...

More Filthy Fiat: Two Dozen Central Banks Ramp up the Printing Presses

The global economy seems to be heading toward a financial crisis fueled by central planners that could devastate markets worldwide. This year onlookers are witnessing the largest synchronization of central banks printing massive amounts of fiat or participating in other forms of stimulus....

Ron Paul Slams Fednow Payment System and Encourages Crypto Competition

Ron Paul, the muckraking former congressman from Texas, is stirring things up once again, this time taking aim at the new real-time digital payment system proposed last week by the U.S. Federal Reserve. Presented as an innovative solution by government and media voices, the cryptosphere received...

The Next Big Financial Meltdown Is Around the Corner, Many Voices Warn

“The economy is looking great,” how many times have they told you that? And why do you usually hear it when you are late on a mortgage payment or during a downsizing purge at your company? Relying on your senses is always a safer bet than trusting the wishful thinking of those...

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