No, Absolutely Not
I think the difference between a junior and senior front-end developer isn't in their understanding or familiarity with a particular tech stack, toolchain, or whether they can write flawless code. Instead, it all comes down to this: how they push back against bad ideas.
What I've learned this year...
Collective #562
Lesser Known Coding Fonts * Full Stack Authentication * Neural Synesthesia * Glaze * Free for devs
Collective #562 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Jack Dorsey: You Can Buy a Fraction of Berkshire Stock or ‘Stack Sats’
#Stacksats or purchase stock fractions from Bitcoin basher Warren Buffett with Cash App’s new investment product, says Jack Dorsey
“Off The Main Thread”
JavaScript is what they call "single-threaded." As Brian Barbour puts it:
This means it has one call stack and one memory heap.
We all feel a symptom of that regularly in the form of performance jank and non-interactivity on elements or entire sites. If we give JavaScript lots of jobs and it gets...
In Search of a Stack That Monitors the Quality and Complexity of CSS
Many developers write about how to maintain a CSS codebase, yet not a lot of them write about how they measure the quality of that codebase. Sure, we have excellent linters like StyleLint and CSSLint, but they only help at preventing mistakes at a micro level. Using a wrong color notation, adding...
Building a Full-Stack Serverless Application with Cloudflare Workers
One of my favorite developments in software development has been the advent of serverless. As a developer who has a tendency to get bogged down in the details of deployment and DevOps, it's refreshing to be given a mode of building web applications that simply abstracts scaling and infrastructure...
Branching Out from the Great Divide
I like the term Front-End Developer. It's encapsulates the nature of your job if your concerns are:
Building UIs for web browsers
The spectrum of devices and platforms those web browsers run on
The people who use those web browsers and related assistive technology
The breadth of knowledge...
The Top Tech People to Follow on Twitter for Your Stack
Twitter like other social media bring people together, and lots of everyday activities go on here too, people get jobs, sell, connect, work and even get items for free. This brings in the q
Using Percy to add visual testing to a Jekyll site
Visual testing is the automated process of reviewing software from a purely visual standpoint. Instead of testing the code underneath, visual testing is all about what end users actually see and interact with.
Similar to functional testing, however, visual testing fits directly into your stack...
Using Percy to add visual testing to a Jekyll site
Visual testing is the automated process of reviewing software from a purely visual standpoint. Instead of testing the code underneath, visual testing is all about what end users actually see and interact with.
Similar to functional testing, however, visual testing fits directly into your stack...
Meeting Bitcoiners Online When They Live in the Same City
Bitcoin developer Mark "Murch" Erhardt tells CoinDesk about the most surprising interaction he ever had in his years of running the Bitcoin Stack Exchange. Turns out the crypto world *is* that small!
What Does it Mean to Be “Full Stack”?
I was asked this recently by a fellow developer who was at the same web tech conference I was at. This developer had met a lot of new people who literally introduced themselves as full-stack developers sort of the way Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration would on The Office, but it was Tony Frank...
ConsenSys-Backed Kaleido Launches B2B Tech Stack With ‘Plug-and-Play’ Features
Kaleido has launched a B2B tech stack to help companies “reinvent their core payment systems and supply chains”
Nejmilovanější a nejnenáviděnější programovací jazyky podle Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow se pochlubil výroční statistikou Developer Survey Results 2019. Podobně jako třeba GitHub a další vývojářské komunity v nich vypíchl ty nejoblíbenější i nejnenáviděnější vývojářské platformy, jazyky a technologie mezi programátory. Dvacetiminutový dotazník vyplnilo na 90 000
An Introduction to Web Components
Front-end development moves at a break-neck pace. This is made evident by the myriad articles, tutorials, and Twitter threads bemoaning the state of what once was a fairly simple tech stack. In this article, I’ll discuss why Web Components are a great tool to deliver high-quality user experiences...
Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference
Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu
Putting the Flexbox Albatross to Real Use
If you hadn't seen it, Heydon posted a rather clever flexbox layout pattern that, in a sense, mimics what you could do with a container query by forcing an element to stack at a certain container width. I was particularly interested, as I was fighting a little layout situation at the time I...
Pozvánka na workshop Web on Reactive Stack
Víte, proč vzniklo reaktivní programování? Co řeší a v čem spočívají jeho největší výhody? Pak si nenechte ujít workshop Web on Reactive Stack. 9. února v Hradci Králové. Zlepšíte si „programátorskou kondičku“ a přímo…
Animating Between Views in React
You know how some sites and web apps have that neat native feel when transitioning between two pages or views? Sarah Drasner has shown some good examples and even a Vue library to boot.
These animations are the type of features that can turn a good user experience into a great one. But to achieve...
The All Powerful Front-End Developer
I posted a video of this talk some months back, but it was nearly an hour and a half long. Here's an updated version that I gave at JAMstack_conf that's only 30 minutes:
The gist is that the front-end stack is wildly powerful these days. Our front-end skillset can be expanded to give us power...