
Nalezeno "US Properties": 301

Use CSS Variables instead of React Context

Turns out you can use several different libraries to pass color information around components. Or, you could use custom properties, built right into CSS, have no decline in your own developer experience, and deliver a faster experience to your users. … The post Use CSS Variables instead...

CSS Switch-Case Conditions

CSS is yet to have a switch rule or conditional if, aside from the specific nature of @media queries and some deep trickery with CSS custom properties. Let’s have a look at why it would be useful if we … The post CSS Switch-Case Conditions appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Earn Money by Selling NFT Properties in Upland

PRESS RELEASE. Hidden among a press release published on November 10, 2020 is one of the most significant developments in blockchain history: By partnering with Tilia Pay,, a virtual property metaverse that offers true ownership of NFT property parcels mapped to real addresses, has taken...

SVG within CSS

Stefan Judis has a “Today I Learned” (TIL) post explaining how SVGs filters can be inlined in CSS. The idea is that CSS has the filter property which supports some built-in functions, like grayscale(100%) and stuff like that. But … The post SVG within CSS appeared first...


In my recent “Custom Properties as State” post, one of the things I mentioned was that theoretically, UI libraries, like React and Vue, could automatically map the state they manage over to CSS Custom Properties so we could use that state … The post...

How to Play and Pause CSS Animations with CSS Custom Properties

Let’s have a look CSS @keyframes animations, and specifically about how you can pause and otherwise control them. There is a CSS property specifically for it, that can be controlled with JavaScript, but there is plenty of nuance to get … The post How to Play and Pause CSS Animations with...

New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio

And it was released yesterday! The big news for us in CSS Land is that the new release supports the aspect-ratio property. This comes right on the heels of Safari announcing support for it in Safari Technology Preview 118, … The post New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio appeared first...

Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page

Back when we released the v17 design (we’re on v18 now) of this site. I added html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } to the CSS. Right away, I got comments like this (just one example): … when you control+f or … The post Fixing Smooth Scrolling with Find-on-Page appeared first...

Custom Properties as State

Here’s a fun idea from James Stanley: a CSS file (that presumably updates daily) containing CSS custom properties for “seasonal” colors (e.g. spring is greens, fall is oranges). You’d then use the values to theme your site, knowing that those … The post Custom...

CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari Technology Preview

The WebKit blog details how to use individual CSS Transform properties in the latest version of Safari Technology Preview. This brings the browser in line with the CSS Transforms Module Level 2 spec, which breaks out the translate(), … The post CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari...

Simulating Drop Shadows with the CSS Paint API

Ask a hundred front-end developers, and most, if not all, of them will have used the box-shadow property in their careers. Shadows are enduringly popular, and can add an elegant, subtle effect if used properly. But shadows occupy a strange … The post Simulating Drop Shadows with the...

A Utility Class for Covering Elements

Big ol’ same to Michelle Barker here: Here’s something I find myself needing to do again and again in CSS: completely covering one element with another. It’s the same CSS every time: the first element (the one that needs to be covered) has position: relative applied to it....

Edge Everything

The series is a wrap my friends! Thanks for reading and a big special thanks to all the authors this year who shared something they have learned. Many authors really swung wide with thoughts about how we can be better and do better, which of course I really love. Adam showed us logical properties...

Old is Solid; New Gets Talked About

When Chris asked me to write about “one thing I learned about building websites this year” I admit my brain immediately went through a list of techniques and CSS properties I started using this year. But then I paused. Other people can write about that much better than I can....

Using CSS Custom Properties to Adjust Variable Font Weights in Dark Mode

Black isn’t always slimming. When recently testing a dark mode option for one of my sites, I experienced first-hand the issue that Robin Rendle addresses in this article. All of my page text — headings and body copy — appeared to bulk up when I switched to dark mode. And it didn’t matter what fonts...

Late to Logical

2020 brought another wave of logical property features to major browsers and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my investment into logical, rather than physical, web styling. I feel like I’ve learned a new way to speak about the box model that results in less written code with more global coverage. p { ...

Color Theming with CSS Custom Properties and Tailwind

Custom properties not only enable us to make our code more efficient, but allow us to work some real magic with CSS too. One area where they have huge potential is theming. At Atomic Smash we use Tailwind CSS, a utility class framework, for writing our styles. In this article, we’ll look at...

A Complete Guide to CSS Gradients

Like how you can use the background-color property in CSS to declare a solid color background, you can use the background-image property not only to declare image files as backgrounds but gradients as well. Using CSS gradients is better for control and performance than using an actual image (of...

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