
Nalezeno "data.": 183

React Suspense in Practice

This post is about understanding how Suspense works, what it does, and seeing how it can integrate into a real web app. We'll look at how to integrate routing and data loading with Suspense in React. For routing, I'll be using vanilla JavaScript, and I'll be using my own micro-graphql-react GraphQL...


(This is a sponsored post.) I wonder how many startup ideas have something to do with air travel? 🤔 It's such a big industry with so many pain points its no wonder that it inspires ideas for building new products. Here's the thing about a lot of startup ideas: you need data. Chances...

IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence API: ipdata (Sponsored)

An IP address is a simple, numeric piece of information that gets passed to a server, but that IP address can provide a wealth of information with ipdata. With ipdata you can learn user location, language, currency, and much more! Quick Hits ipdata is an IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence API....

Understanding Async Await

When writing code for the web, eventually you'll need to do some process that might take a few moments to complete. JavaScript can't really multitask, so we'll need a way to handle those long-running processes. Async/Await is a way to handle this type of time-based sequencing. It’s especially great...

US Judge Denies Customer’s Plea to Quash IRS Bitstamp Inquiry

A Washington Western District Court judge has rejected petitioner William Zietzke’s appeal to stop the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from accessing his Bitstamp trade data. An IRS summons invoked Zietzke to file a petition to quash the tax agency’s investigation into his private...

The Bank of Google Wants Your Spending Data

The multinational technology giant Google has plans to get into the banking industry according to multiple reports that reveal the firm intends to work with Stanford Federal Credit Union and Citigroup. However, analysts assert that Google is not jumping into banking for revenue purposes and...

Thoughts After Looking at the Web Almanac’s Chapter on CSS

Woah, I didn't see this coming! The HTTP Archive dropped this big "state of the web" report called Web Almanac with guest writers exploring data from 5.8 million websites. Una Kravetz and Adam Argyle wrote the CSS chapter. The point is to squeeze a digestible amount of insight out of a mountain's...

Meeting GraphQL at a Cocktail Mixer

GraphQL and REST are two specifications used when building APIs for websites to use. REST defines a series of unique identifiers (URLs) that applications use to request and send data. GraphQL defines a query language that allows client applications to specify precisely the data they need from...

Caniuse and MDN compatibility data collaboration

Second only to "silly GIFs," I'd guess screenshots of caniuse are the most common slide graphic at web conferences. It's become the ultimate source for looking at web compatibility data in the hearts and minds of web developers. Can I use CSS filter in Firefox? Yes. Can I use the filter() function?...

Crypto Regulations Are Changing Worldwide to Comply With FATF Standards

Governments worldwide are changing the way they regulate crypto assets to comply with the global cryptocurrency standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Some are amending existing laws, while others are creating a new system to cooperate and share data. Also read: China Publishes...

Using Immer for React State Management

We make use of state to keep track of application data. States change as users interact with an application. When this happens, we need to update the state that is displayed to the user, and we do this using React’s setState. Since states are not meant to be updated directly (because React’s state...

Creating Dynamic Routes in a Nuxt Application

In this post, we’ll be using an ecommerce store demo I built and deployed to Netlify to show how we can make dynamic routes for incoming data. It’s a fairly common use-case: you get data from an API, and you either don’t know exactly what that data might be, there’s a lot of it, or it might change....

Keep Your Money and Passport Safe With Products You Can Buy With BCH

In this day and age, carrying your wallet, passport and mobile phone inside the inner pocket of your jacket is simply not enough to protect your assets. Thankfully, there’s a company called Tarriss which offers products designed to secure both your digital cash and personal data. It sells...

Three Predictions From the State of CSS 2019 Survey

Running a developer survey like the State of CSS is a multi-stage process. First, you need to collect the data. Then, you process it into a usable shape. Finally, you come up with nifty ways to visualize it and release it to the world. But then, once the dust settles and the traffic dies down...

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