
Nalezeno "feel": 209

Easy Stock Market Quotes with marketstack (Sponsored)

The stock market is wild right now, at least in the United States. Between pandemic, political events, and everything else going on, the stock market is one swing after another. There are a host of services that give you stock quotes but I don’t trust them; I feel like they delay information...

How to delete all node_modules directories from your computer

Nice tip from Chris Ferdinandi: My node_modules directories contained 50mb of stuff on the small side, and over 200mb of files in some cases. Over a few dozen projects, that really adds up! Two dozen projects with 200 MB worth of node_modules? That’s nearly 5 GB of space for...

WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks

I always get all excited when I accomplish something, but I get extra excited when I get it done and think, “well, that was easy.” As much as I enjoy fiddling with technology, I enjoy reaping the benefit of well set-up technology even more. That’s why I still get so excited about...

My Flywheel Landing Page

Flywheel is my WordPress hosting partner here. I use Local every day for my WordPress local development environment and use their hosting for all my WordPress sites as part of my whole flow, so I’m glad they aren’t just a sponsor but a product I use and like. Last November some of their...

Behind the Source: Cassie Evans

I feel like the tech industry takes itself far too seriously sometimes. I get frustrated by all the posturing and gatekeeping – “You’re not a real developer unless you use x framework”, “CSS isn’t a real programming language”. I think this kind of rhetoric often puts new developers off,...

66% of Europeans Feel Optimistic About Future of Bitcoin, Study Shows

Europeans are feeling more optimistic about the future of bitcoin. A recent study shows that more than two thirds of them believe cryptocurrency will remain in existence in 10 years time, with some convinced BTC will become a key part of the economy, both as a security and investment. Crypto...

What Does `playsinline` Mean in Web Video?

I got myself confused about this the other day, went around searching for an answer and came up empty on finding something clear. The answer actually is quite clear and I feel a little silly for not knowing it. With it in place, like this: <video src="..." controls playsinline</video Mobile...

Careful with Nested `display: grid; height: 100%;`

It's not every day you can feel CSS be slow at something. Reddit user jgbbrd discovered nesting grid containers that all have 100% height can cause many-seconds of rendering delay. Probably not something you'll ever have to worry about, but still, interesting. From the comments: What a funny...

Considerations for Creating a Card Component

Here's a Card component in React: const Card = props ={ return( <div className="card"<h2{props.title}</h2<p{props.content}</p</div) } It might be pretty useful! If you end up using this thing hundreds of times, now you have the ability to refactor a little bit of HTML...

Where to Learn WordPress Theme Development

Over a decade ago, I did a little three-part video series on Designing for WordPress. Then I did other series with the same spirit, like videocasting the whole v10 redesign, a friend's website, and even writing a book. Those are getting a little long in the tooth though. You might still learn from...

2020 Stack

In an article with the most clickbaity article ever, Joe Honton does a nice job of talking about the evolving landscape of web development. "Full-stack" perhaps had its day as a useful term, but since front-end development touches so many parts of the stack now, it's not a particularly useful term....

Full Stack Panic

A new podcast from Sean Fioritto inspired by Joel Califa's term "Full Stack Anxiety". ... the little voice in your head says ... “I should know all of this. Do I even know what I'm doing?” Why do web developers the world over feel like this? There is an episode with Joel talking about it as well...

The Design Squiggle

I think we all have an intuitive understanding that, at the beginning of projects that require our creativity (be it design or code), things feel uncertain and messy. Then, as we go, things tend to straighten out. There is still some wiggling and setbacks, but by the end, we find a single solution...

Fantastic Flight API with aviationstack (Sponsored)

I didn’t fly until I was 25 years of age — I was hopeless in knowing I had to be there early, the process of security, and the whole gate structure. Now that I’ve flown dozens of times for Mozilla, I feel much more comfortable with the process of flying, but feel less comfortable...

A Use Case for a Parent Selector

Having a "parent selector" in CSS is mentioned regularly as something CSS could really use. I feel like I've had that thought plenty of times myself, but then when I ask my brain for a use case, I find it hard to think of one. Well, I just had one so I thought I'd document it here. A classic...

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