
Nalezeno "shepard": 158

Mass Effect 3 Easter Egg Revealed After Nine Years

Nine years since the release of Mass Effect 3 and just a couple of weeks after the release of its shiny new Mass Effect Legendary Edition remaster, a long-hidden Easter egg has been revealed.Read more

Musings Of A Mass Effect 1 Newcomer

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has given me a chance I missed the first time around. Though I’ve played through the other games of BioWare’s long-running space opera—3, Andromeda, and, years later, 2, in that order—’m tackling the first Mass Effect for the first time ever.Read more

Mass Effect Remake Fixes A Character's Race

For over 13 years, there has been a character in the original Mass Effect who was, well, the wrong race. An oversight the series’ new remasters has finally been able to fix.Read more

How To Get Infinite Paragon/Renegade Points In Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been a nostalgic, and for the most part, pleasant experience. I’ve been making my way through the first remastered game and it’s a faithful recreation of the original Mass Effect, up to and including its archaic dialogue system, which frustratingly locks...

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Makes The First Game Required Playing

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out today, remastering BioWare’s space trilogy with 4K HD graphics and other kinds of tweaks and twinges to bring the games into the current generation. Of the trilogy, the original Mass Effect stands out as the game benefiting the most from graphical updates...

F*ck, Marry, Kill: Mass Effect Party Member Edition

It certainly says something about the video game industry that the most anticipated release of the year so far is a remaster of a sci-fi RPG trilogy from a decade ago. Mass Effect has some memorable characters—and a lot of less memorable ones, a fact that many people have fittingly forgotten....

BRB, Making My Own Mass Effect Legendary Edition Logo

BioWare must have sensed that I had thoughts about the Mass Effect companions on my spirit today, as it released a new tool that lets you pick and choose among the Mass Effect companions to make your own version of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition logo.Read more

Garrus Vakarian, I Am Free For Dinner On Thursday

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a month away. Today, BioWare put out a new video and developer blog detailing the process that went into graphically updating the Mass Effect trilogy. Weeding through all the technical information, I have come away with an important conclusion: Somehow, some...

In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, BioWare Bounces Bootylicious Butt Shots

With the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the team at BioWare is working on updating graphics and textures and showing a little more love to the first game’s Female Shepard model, to bring her image in line with the rest of the trilogy. The team is also tweaking some camera angles to make things...

Společnost Blue Origin úspěšně otestovala raketu New Shepard s kapslí NS-14

Společnost Blue Origin, vedená zakladatelem Amazonu Jeffem Bezosem, udělala další důležitý krok k vyslání astronautů do vesmíru: na testovacím místě v Texasu úspěšně vypustila raketu New Shepard s kapslí SN-14. NS-14 mj. disponuje šesti sedadly, velkými displeji a systémem regulace vnitřní

Konkurence Muska nelení. Bezosova raketa New Shepard se úspěšně vrátila

Nová verze rakety amerického miliardáře Jeffa Bezose má za sebou další úspěšný let. Po prosincovém prvním testovacím letu v neděli opět bez problémů dosáhla výšky 106 kilometrů a rozdělena na dvě části se bezpečně snesla na místo přistání.Další články k tématu:Velký vesmírný rekord: stejná raketa...

Dnes mělo být na prahu vesmíru rušno. V plánu byly čtyři starty

Co do počtu kosmických startů, patří úterý 12. prosince k nejrušnějším dnům roku 2017. Naplánovány byly hned čtyři starty. Některé byly kvůli poruchám nakonec odloženy. Další články k tématu:Zážeh motorů a konec. Start soukromé rakety přerušili na poslední chvíliNavigační systém Galileo startuje....

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