
Nalezeno "videos": 159

Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

This is a very clever idea via Arthur Corenzan. Rather than use the default YouTube embed, which adds a crapload of resources to a page whether the user plays the video or not, use the little tiny placeholder webpage that is just an image you can click that is linked to the YouTube embed. It still...

Electric Geek Transportation Systems

I've never thought of myself as a "car person". The last new car I bought (and in fact, now that I think about it, the first new car I ever bought) was the quirky 1998 Ford Contour SVT. Since then we bought a VW station wagon in 2011

How to Crop Videos

During a recent episode of the Script and Style podcast, I had noticed that the video recording had showed a bit of our internal chat that wasn’t necessary for our viewers to see. While there’s nothing wrong with giving viewers a peek into the show preparation, presenting the best...

A Deep Dive into Native Lazy-Loading for Images and Frames

Today's websites are packed with heavy media assets like images and videos. Images make up around 50% of an average website's traffic. Many of them, however, are never shown to a user because they're placed way below the fold. What’s this thing about images being lazy, you ask? Lazy-loading...

How to Reverse a Video

One of my favorite media utilities is ffmpeg. This command line utility allows us to do some pretty amazing stuff like; Slice videos Convert video formats Modify video speed Combine audio and video Every once in a while I see a meme or funny video that reverses a video for effect. Since ffmpeg does...

8 Little Videos About the Firefox Shape Path Editor

It sometimes takes a quick 35 seconds for a concept to really sink in. Mikael Ainalem delivers that here, in the case that you haven't quite grokked the concepts behind path-based CSS properties like clip-path and shape-outside. Here are two of my favorites. The first demonstrates animating text...

Native Video on the Web

TIL about the HLS video format: HLS stands for HTTP Live Streaming. It’s an adaptive bitrate streaming protocol developed by Apple. One of those sentences to casually drop at any party. Äh. Back on track: HLS allows you to specify a playlist with multiple video sources in different resolutions....

Blue Beanie Day 2018

Another year! You better not cry, you better not shout, I’m telling you why: @BlueBeanieDay is coming Nov. 30! Start sharing your #bbd photos, links, articles, and videos now: #WebStandards #InclusiveDesign #ProgressiveEnhancement —...

Download a YouTube Channel’s Videos

YouTube is an endless source of entertainment, be it stuff you’re proud to share you like or stuff you would rather others not know about (see: David’s history of watching old WWE Royal Rumbles).  I watch a lot of YouTube in hotels and on flights when I don’t have internet access...

Recent Videos!

I've recorded a decent number of videos lately, most of which are pairing with someone and digging into a topic as I glean as much information as I can! Several of these are sponsored, in that they are a part of an advertising package. Hopefully, you know me well enough that I don't work with...

Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js

While browsing the latest award-winning websites, you may notice a lot of fancy image distortion animations or neat 3D effects. Most of them are created with WebGL, an API allowing GPU-accelerated image processing effects and animations. They also tend to use libraries built on top of WebGL such...

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