
Nalezeno "s home": 1758

John Perry Barlow: A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. We have no elected government,...

Some Typography Links

I just can’t stop opening excellent typography-related articles, which means I need to subject you to blog posts that round them up so I can clean up my open tabs. Vistaserve is “a grass-roots web hosting initiative hailing from Thornbury, Australia. Inspired by the quirky web of...

Stařičký Google Home se dočká nástupce. Nový chytrý reproduktor je na cestě

Google uvedl reproduktor Home už v roce 2016. V průběhu času sice přišly další produkty z řady, nikdy ale přímý nástupce. Toho bychom se měli dočkat až nyní. Firma již starou verzi přestala prodávat. Chytrých reproduktorů nyní Google nabízí několik. Kromě původního Google Home, který se zaměřuje

Japanese Housing Giant to Begin Blockchain-powered Home Rentals

Sekisui House, Japan’s biggest housebuilder, says it will launch a blockchain-powered home leasing platform for its Sher Maison range – and could allow renters to sign contracts and pay utility bills using blockchain-based solutions directly from their smartphones. Per Cnet Japan, Sekisui House...

Player Hits $250,000 (29 BTC) Slots Jackpot Staying at Home

Staying at home can pay off, not only for one’s health but also for one’s Bitcoin stash. This statement has never been more true for anyone than the lucky player who just added over 29 BTC to his wallet by playing the exclusive game of Slots. Let’s face it, in most cases, the odds...

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