
Nalezeno "AI cryptocurrencies": 14001

Here’s why Bitcoin will hit $22K soon

This week, The Market Report discusses why $22,000 is the next logical step for Bitcoin and why BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes claims the bull market started back in March

South Korea Seeks to Freeze North’s Crypto Assets Under New Law

The government in Seoul intends to submit new legislation tailored to facilitate the tracking and freezing of crypto used to fund the weapons programs of North Korea. A bill has been drafted after extended consultations between ministries with the aim to make South Korean sanctions more effective...

MetaMask launches feature to sell ETH for fiat

The sell feature on MetaMask Portfolio came roughly five months after the wallet allowed users to purchase crypto using fiat from bank accounts, PayPal, and debit and credit cards

Shiba Inu and Bitcoin Spark: The hottest cryptocurrencies of 2023

With the second-last quarter of 2023 almost coming to an end, crypto investors are looking to gain significant profits before the end of the year. On that note, several analysts suggest Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) are the hottest cryptocurrencies of 2023. What makes a crypto popular?...

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