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Leveraged Tokens Soon Available on the Exchange

Four new tokens by Amun will be listed on the Exchange this Thursday. Amun is a leading crypto technology company that builds tokens to make purchasing crypto more accessible, safe, and efficient. You have the chance to trade these tokens for free on the Exchange from...

17 Companies to Make Blockchain ID Platform; CBDC Calatyst + More News

Crypto Briefs is your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Blockchain news A total of 17 Chinese tech companies, including a number of banks, will co-launch a decentralized...

How to Make localStorage Reactive in Vue

Reactivity is one of Vue’s greatest features. It is also one of the most mysterious if you don’t know what it’s doing behind the scenes. Like, why does it work with objects and arrays and not with other things, like localStorage? Let’s answer that that question, and while we’re at it, make...

CSS background-repeat: round

The CSS spec is full of gems that sneak their way past most of us web designers and developers. Stuff like :focus-within, prefers-reduced-motion, and prefers-color-scheme suddenly make their way into CSS without us really finding out for months or years. One such example is background-repeat:...

Let’s Make a Multi-Thumb Slider That Calculates The Width Between Thumbs

HTML has an <input type="range">, which is, you could argue, the simplest type of proportion slider. Wherever the thumb of that slider ends up could represent a proportion of whatever is before and whatever is after it (using the value and max attributes). Getting fancier, it’s possible...


I remember searching for tutorials for making seamless patterns in Photoshop¹ all the time back in the day. It’s fun to see this little website for building repeating patterns as its one job. It does everything you’d expect: pick a background, drag some decorations onto it and position...

Easing Animations in Canvas

The <canvas> element in HTML and Canvas API in JavaScript combine to form one of the main raster graphics and animation possibilities on the web. A common canvas use-case is programmatically generating images for websites, particularly games. That’s exactly what I’ve done in a website...

Six Blockchain Companies Make WEF 100 Technology Pioneers List

The ever-growing amount of positive news surrounding blockchain technology testifies to its rising popularity. Six blockchain companies were included on the World Economic Forum (WEF)'s 100 Technology Pioneers for 2020 list. And a survey has found that more than a third of the world's companies...

Ethermine Mining Pool Cashes in Its $2.6 Million Ethereum Fee Windfall

Ethermine will now proceed to distribute its $2.6 million bonanza from a series of bizarre ethereum transactions last week after the fund’s owner failed to make a valid claim. On June 11, the miner, a unit of Bitfly, received the record fee in a transaction involving just 350 ether (ETH),...

Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements

Here’s the plan! We’re going to build a styled select element. Not just the outside, but the inside too. Total styling control. Plus we’re going to make it accessible. We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native <select> element. We’re going...

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