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A Guide to HTML5 Semantics for Better SEO

The concept of semantics originates from the field of linguistics. It literally means the “study of meaning”. So, semantics is the discipline of finding connections between different signifiers such... The post A Guide to HTML5 Semantics for Better SEO appeared first on Onextrapixel

The Many Ways to Include CSS in JavaScript Applications

Welcome to an incredibly controversial topic in the land of front-end development! I’m sure that a majority of you reading this have encountered your fair share of #hotdrama surrounding how CSS should be handled within a JavaScript application. I want to preface this post with a disclaimer: There...

React Starter: Editor Tools

Before we move into more coding with React, let's talk about the tools that can help us streamline our React development. We want to go into our React development as well equipped as possible!

Tah na branku nám nechybí. Jaká je pověst českých IT odborníků ve světě

Vybudovat si dobrou profesní pověst je běh na dlouhou trať i pro jednotlivce, ne tak celou zemi. Obzvlášť ve světě IT, kde dominují velmoci jako USA, Indie nebo Čína, není snadné se prosadit. S nadšením a touhou po objevování se do světa vydává nemálo českých „ajťáků“, aby si podmanili západní...

Bitcoin Cash Scaling Benchmarks, Brewdog, and Rising Transaction Volume

Over the last week, there’s been lots of going on within the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) environment with companies implementing BCH support, new applications, and various announcements. While Bitcoin Cash supporters keep bolstering adoption, development and community projects have continued...

CSS-Tricks on Flywheel

I first heard of Flywheel through their product Local, which is a native app for working on WordPress sites. If you ask around for what people use for that kind of work, you'll get all sorts of answers, but an awful lot of very strong recommendations for Local. I've become one of them!...

How to Debug Remote Browsers

It’s super frustrating when bugs pop up only in a remote browser. Something about that user, that device, or that environment is different, but I don’t know what! And of course, I can’t recreate it on my local development machine. The team at TrackJS came up with a cool way...

Jak jsme se pustili do budování vzdělávací aplikace a co bychom poradili ostatním

Studium práva je na českých právnických fakultách poměrně zastaralé. Nepoužívá nové metody výuky jako interaktivní tabule, on-line učební aplikace nebo videa a většina výkladu se omezuje jen na přednášení za katedrou. Dalším problémem fakult také je, že výklad přednášejícího je často špatně slyšet...

BCH Development Fund Doubles Its Goal After a Successful Month

In May, a group of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) supporting businesses and individuals launched a fundraiser to support BCH development. Since then the fundraiser has received massive support and so the organizers have decided to double the goal to 1600 BCH by August 1, 2019. Moreover, other projects have...

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