
Nalezeno "us state": 1727

Jet Airways Sinks Further Into the Abyss as Top Executives Start Quitting

Even until last year, India’s Jet Airways was the country’s biggest privately owned airline with the biggest market share, and there was no doubt that the airline was going to continue on its growth path as the airline industry expanded in the country. However, the company’s massive debt burden...

Under-Engineered Toggles

Toggles. Switches. Whatever you want to call them, they've been with us for some time and have been a dominant a staple for many form interfaces. They're even baked right into many CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation. It's easy to think of them in binary terms: on and off. Off...

Some Notes About Accessibility

Earlier this month Eric Bailey wrote about the current state of accessibility on the web and why it felt like fighting an uphill battle: As someone with a good deal of interest in the digital accessibility space, I follow WebAIM’s work closely. Their survey results are priceless insights into...

An Introduction to Web Components

Front-end development moves at a break-neck pace. This is made evident by the myriad articles, tutorials, and Twitter threads bemoaning the state of what once was a fairly simple tech stack. In this article, I’ll discuss why Web Components are a great tool to deliver high-quality user experiences...

Web Standards Meet User-Land: Using CSS-in-JS to Style Custom Elements

The popularity of CSS-in-JS has mostly come from the React community, and indeed many CSS-in-JS libraries are React-specific. However, Emotion, the most popular library in terms of npm downloads, is framework agnostic. Using the shadow DOM is common when creating custom elements, but there’s...

The Cloud is Just Someone Else's Computer

When we started Discourse in 2013, our server requirements were high: 1GB RAM modern, fast dual core CPU speedy solid state drive I'm not talking about a cheapo shared cpanel server, either, I mean a dedicated virtual private server with those specifications. We were OK with that, because we were

The #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey

You know about the State of JavaScript survey, where thousands upon thousands of developers were surveyed about all-things-JS, from frameworks to testing and many other things in between? Well, Sacha Greif has launched one focused entirely on CSS. This is super timely given a lot of the content...

​​Avoiding those dang cannot read property of undefined errors

​​​​Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined.​ The dreaded error we all hit at some point in JavaScript development. Could be an empty state from an API that returns differently than you expected. Could be something else. We don’t know because the error itself is so general...

Mac Dark Mode from Command Line

One of the best professional decisions I ever made was switching to a dark text editor theme. I suffered from horrible headaches for years, partially caused by late night coding sessions with blindingly bright computer screens. Recently Apple implemented a dark OS theme which helps my eyes,...

Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS

David Heinemeier Hansson has written an interesting post about the current state of web design and how designers ought to be able to still work on the code side of things: We build using server-side rendering, Turbolinks, and Stimulus. All tools that are approachable and realistic for designers...

Using React and XState to Build a Sign In Form

To make a sign in form with good UX requires UI state management, meaning we’d like to minimize the cognitive load to complete it and reduce the number of required user actions while making an intuitive experience. Think about it: even a relatively simple email and password sign in form needs...

React 16.6.0 Goodies

React 16.6.0 was released October 2018 and with it came goodies that spice up the way we can develop with React. We’re going to cover what I consider the best of those new goodies with examples of how we can put them to use in our work. React.memo() avoids unnecessary re-rendering There...

React indeterminate

I’ve fallen in love with React.js and JSX over the years; state-based rendering and a logical workflow have made me see the light of this modern framework. That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get a bit frustrated that the “simple” things seem harder than they should...

Toggling Animations On and Off

A nicely detailed tutorial by Kirupa that gets into how you might provide a UI with persisted options that control whether animations run or not. The trick is custom properties that control the movement: body { --toggle: 0; --playState: "paused"; } Which are used within animations...

WordCamp US 2018

I recently attended and had the chance to speak at WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville. I had a great time. I love conferences that bring people together around a tight theme because it's very likely you'll have something to talk about with every person there. Plus, I rather like WordPress and...

The Fragmented, But Evolving State of CSS-in-JS

TLDR: The CSS-in-JS community has converged on a consistent API. Not so long ago, a Facebook engineer compiled a list of the available CSS-in-JS methodologies. It wasn’t short: aphrodite, babel-plugin-css-in-js, babel-plugin-pre-style, bloody-react-styled, classy, csjs, css-constructor, css-light...

Rendering Lists Using React Virtualized

Working with data in React is relatively easy because React is designed to handle data as state. The hassle begins when the amount of data you need to consume becomes massive. For example, say you have to handle a dataset which is between 500-1,000 records. This can result in massive loads and lead...

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