What’s wrong with CSS-in-JS?
Brad Frost thinks it's:
Lack of portability
Context Switching
Flushing best practices down the toilet
In the spirit of good-ol-fashioned blog-and-response, here's:
Brain Muenzenmeyer's response
Micah Godbolt's response
I'd like to point out that "CSS-in-JS" is an umbrella term, and that there...
Overriding Default Button Styles
There are a variety of "buttons" in HTML. You've got:
<input type="button" value="Button">
Plus, for better or worse, people like having links that are styled to match the look of other true buttons on the site
<a href="#0"...
EOS Revisited: Investors Take Another Look at the Longest-Running ICO
Another blockchain for smart contracts? It turns out the claim is catching the attention of investors as the EOS blockchain heads toward launch
Container-Adapting Tabs With “More” Button
Or the priority navigation pattern, or progressively collapsing navigation menu. We can name it in at least three ways.
There are multiple UX solutions for tabs and menus and each of them have their own advantages over another, you just need to pick the best for the case you are trying to solve....
Bloom Review: Just Another Email List Building Plugin, or One Worth Buying?
Since list building is one of the most important things any website owner can do, it makes sense that there are so many free and premium plugins on the...
The post Bloom Review: Just Another Email List Building Plugin, or One Worth Buying? appeared first on Onextrapixel
Okořeňte svá videa vlastní hudbou a dejte Microsoftu ještě šanci
Microsoftu se v oblasti tabletů a chytrých telefonů příliš nedaří, nově však můžete zkusit prohlížeč Edge pro systém Android. V přehledu nechybí ani šikovný přehrávač videí nebo třeba aplikace na uchovávání různých typů poznámek. Nechybí ani užitečná miniaplikace na domovskou obrazovku
Another Central Bank in Africa is Warning About Onecoin
Uganda’s central bank has a new warning for local residents: stay away from Onecoin, a digital currency scheme widely accused of being a scam
cite and blockquote – reloaded
The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...
cite and blockquote – reloaded
The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...