Nový simulační systém naučí autonomní vozidla řídit ještě předtím, než vyjedou na silnici
Experti z Massachusettského technologického institutu (MIT) vytvořili nový simulační systém pro trénování samořídících vozidel. Jeho cílem je pomoci autonomním systémům naučit se orientovat v řadě různých kritických scénářů ještě před tím, než se jimi řízená vozidla začnou pohybovat po skutečných
Consistent Backends and UX: How Do New Algorithms Help?
Article Series
Why should you care?
What can go wrong?
What are the barriers to adoption?
How do new algorithms help?
In previous articles, we explained what consistency is, the difference between "strong" and "eventual" consistency, and why this distinction is more important than ever to modern...
We’ll Never Think About the Financial System the Same Way Again
Central bank digital currencies open the way to tokenized and decentralized finance, says ConsenSys's fintech co-head
Intel vyvinul neuromorfní systém schopný emulovat 100 milionů neuronů. Umělý mozek je ale ještě hodně daleko
Intel pracuje na pokročilém neuromorfním systému • Obsahuje celkem 768 neuronových čipů • Systém dokáže emulovat počet neuronů jako mají mozky menších savců
Stage One of ‘Risky’ EOS Worker Proposal System Approved
Block producers have approved the first stage of a new system that will allow any EOS account to propose a budget for its project
Why the U.S.’ $2 Trillion Stimulus, Unlimited QE Will Expose the Monetary System’s Flaws
As the crypto community digests a new wave of government intervention, Michael Casey and Noelle Acheson join for a discussion
Robinhood Looks to Win Back Users Angry Over System Outage on Historic Market Day
Robinhood is trying to earn back trust from users who lost out during recent catastrophic outages, with the dollar amount to be determined on a case-by-case basis
Další problém pro misi Artemis: Vývoj rakety Space Launch System má zpoždění
Vývoj rakety Space Launch System, která by rámci mise Artemis měla v roce 2024 dopravit astronauty na Měsíc, o rok zaostává za časovým plánem. Kromě toho došlo k překročení nákladů o dvě miliardy dolarů.
K přistání ve výše uvedeném termínu stále ještě může dojít, neboť původní harmonogram
Scramble for Dollars: Emergency Cash Injections in $250 Trillion Global Debt Place the Fiat Ponzi On Ventilator
The last few weeks of global hysteria has shown there’s been a mad dash for dollars and various fiat currencies. Moreover, central banks have tried to quell cash liquidity issues by injecting trillions into the hands of private banks and hedge funds worldwide. As the financial system shudders...
New Blockchain System to Track Individuals Not Infected With High-Risk Viruses
New blockchain-based system will monitor the movement of healthy individuals to help them avoid potentially life-threatening diseases
Block.One CEO Criticizes EOS Worker Proposal System
While the developers behind the Worker Proposal System seek to drum up support from Eos’ block producers, Block.One’s CEO has criticized the proposed protocol
Maduro Orders Venezuelan Bank Closures Amid Coronavirus Scare
In order to combat the coronavirus outbreak in Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro has ordered the entire country to quarantine themselves. With an inflation rate that rises more than 10,000% per year, the country’s citizens have already been dealing with economic turmoil. Maduro...
12 Platforms Allowing You to Trade Gift Cards With Cryptocurrencies
In an emergency situation like the current coronavirus pandemic, anything can turn into currency as the fiat system may experience cash shortages and devaluation. Cryptocurrency users have options to trade bitcoin beyond traditional money. A number of platforms will let you exchange...
InterPlanetary File System Is Uncensorable During Coronavirus News Fog
Digital citizens are turning to decentralized protocols like IPFS to share news during the Coronavirus outbreak
Alibaba Imports E-Commerce Platform Adopts Blockchain Traceability System
E-commerce giant Alibaba integrates blockchain technology into its import platform to make consumer goods traceable
Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer Resigns to Oversee US National Banking System
Coinbase’s chief legal officer is designated by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to serve at major position at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Laserový systém Light Blade dokáže zastavit vzdušné zápalné útoky
Laserový systém Light Blade dokáže zastavit vzdušné zápalné útoky
[článek] Operační systém od Amazonu, serverový procesor ARM s 80 jádry, Magic Leap na prodej
[4 minuty čtení] USA opět prodlužují výjimku pro Huawei. Amazon Go dostupné všem obchodům. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa IT. Co se událo v tomto týdnu?
Alibaba Files for a Blockchain Transaction System in Brazil
Alibaba Group has registered a new patent in Brazil to establish a transaction system based on blockchain
Considerations When Choosing Fonts for a Multilingual Website
As a front-end developer working for clients all over the world, I've always struggled to deal with multilingual websites — especially cases where both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) are used. That said, I’ve learned a few things along the...