
Nalezeno "IP development": 1824

A Website is a Car and Not a Book

I’ve been wondering for a good long while why it feels like web design and development isn’t respected as much as native app development= and why the front-end role in many organizations is seen as a nice-to-have rather than a vital part of the business. Why is it so hard to see that this gig...

Make it hard to screw up driven development

Development is complicated. Our job is an ongoing battle between getting the job done and doing that job in a safe, long-lasting way. Developers say things like, "I'm just going to do this quick and dirty first," because it's taken as fact that if you code anything quickly, it not only will...

CSS Houdini Could Change the Way We Write and Manage CSS

CSS Houdini may be the most exciting development in CSS. Houdini is comprised of a number of separate APIs, each shipping to browsers separately, and some that have already shipped (here's the browser support). The Paint API is one of them. I’m very excited about it and recently started to think...

Next Genpm

So many web projects use npm to pull in their dependencies, for both the front end and back. npm install and away it goes, pulling thousands of files into a node_modules folder in our projects to import/require anything. It's an important cog in the great machine of web development. While I don't...

Free Programming Courses from Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and more (Sponsored)

Did you know that you can learn programming online from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Microsoft on The nonprofit site offers 2000 online courses from 140 institutions worldwide. Courses are free to try. EdX has over 200 courses from Microsoft alone, including an 11 course program...

Simple & Boring

Simplicity is a funny adjective in web design and development. I'm sure it's a quoted goal for just about every project ever done. Nobody walks into a kickoff meeting like, "Hey team, design something complicated for me. Oh, and make sure the implementation is convoluted as well. Over-engineer that...

Staging WordPress Sites for Beginners: 3 Ways

As any new—or in some cases, experienced — web developer will tell you, launching a website or making changes to a live site can be ridden with anxiety. There... The post Staging WordPress Sites for Beginners: 3 Ways appeared first on Onextrapixel

Using Local with Flywheel

Have you seen Local by Flywheel? It's a native app for helping set up local WordPress developer environments. I absolutely love it and use it to do all my local WordPress development work. It brings a lovingly designed GUI to highly technical tasks in a way that I think works very well. Plus...

An Introduction to Web Components

Front-end development moves at a break-neck pace. This is made evident by the myriad articles, tutorials, and Twitter threads bemoaning the state of what once was a fairly simple tech stack. In this article, I’ll discuss why Web Components are a great tool to deliver high-quality user experiences...

Getting into GraphQL with AWS AppSync

GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular. The problem is that if you are a front-end developer, you are only half of the way there. GraphQL is not just a client technology. The server also has to be implemented according to the specification. This means that in order to implement GraphQL into your...


This is not a sponsored post. I requested a beta access for this site called Stackbit a while back, got my invite the other day, and thought it was a darn fine idea that's relevant to us web nerds — particularly those of us who spin up a lot of JAMstack sites. I'm a big fan of the whole idea...

Accessibility is not a “React Problem”

Leslie Cohn-Wein's main point: While [lots of divs, inline styles, focus management problems] are valid concerns, it should be noted that nothing in React prevents us from building accessible web apps. True. I'm quite capable (and sadly, guilty) of building inaccessible interfaces with React...

HMTL, CSS and JS in an ADD, OCD, Bi-Polar, Dyslexic and Autistic World

Hey CSS-Tricksters! A lot of folks tweeted, emailed, commented and even courier pigeoned (OK, maybe not that) stories about their personal journeys learning web development after we published "The Great Divide" essay. One of those stories was from Tim Smith and, it was so interesting, that...

Level up your JavaScript error monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time. Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...

Level up your JavaScript error monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time. Bugsnag detects every single error and prioritizes errors...

Why CSS Needs its Own Survey

2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular. Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some...

Integrating Google Analytics With Angular 2+

Requirements For this tutorial, knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as some familiarity with Angular 2 development is expected. An understanding of Google analytics would be bene

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