
Nalezeno "US president": 1761

Crypto Bullishness Spreads on Capitol Hill

U.S. Congress has shown that it is starting to care about cryptocurrency as a number of lawmakers spoke up in favor of it this week. “The world Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned is an unstoppable force” and “there’s no capacity to kill bitcoin” are some of the comments...

What Are Dollars Used for, President Trump? – The Gun Money Known as USD

Donald Trump has taken to Twitter yet again, and this time he’s talking about bitcoin and the superiority of the United States dollar. Bashing lack of regulation and potential for criminal activity inherent to crypto, Trump claims the U.S. fiat will always be the strongest currency in...

President And Co-Founder of Zilliqa Speaks Exclusively With CryptoNewsZ

Amrit Kumar is President and Co-Founder at Zilliqa. Focusing predominantly on areas of security, privacy and applied cryptography, Amrit’s research has been widely published at conferences such as IEEE/IFIP and IFIP TC-11 SEC. Amrit received his Ph.D. from Université Grenoble-Alpes, France and...

Christine Lagarde Nominated As Next President Of European Central Bank

The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund are perhaps two of the most important institutions in the world, and hence, it does not come as a surprise that the former has tapped the latter’s chief for the top job. In a new development, it has emerged that the ECB has nominated...

Markets Update: Crypto Prices Sink Lower Finding New Support Levels

On June 9, digital currency markets have been meandering along in a consolidated manner after the slight downturn this afternoon. At the moment, the entire cryptocurrency market is around $243 billion, but global trade volume has dropped from $80 billion on June 5 to $56 billion this weekend. Also...

The US Starts Legal Process To Impose Taxes On New Chinese Imports

The US-China trade war which seemed to be end soon after both countries said that the talks were going in the right direction took a turn for the worse on Sunday as US President Trump in a tweet said that the talks were going ‘too slowly’ and that he would impose tariffs on $250 billion … The...

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