Sublime Text 3.2 Is Out! Git Integrated and Still Blazing Fast
Sublime Text has a special place in my heart. It's the editor that made me love editors. Before that it was Notepad++ or Coda and trying to get files onto a server using FTP. Those were the days! W
3 Tools to Keep npm Packages Updated
Keeping npm packages up to date is a chore. Sometimes it can turn into a disastrous chore since updating packages to a new major number could potentially break your apps.
Even with the
console.log() Faster with Turbo Console Log
I've recently been live-coding on Twitch and the thing that I've loved about it is all the users in the chat that are helping me out by giving me the
VS Code 1.32: Autocomplete in Vue Templates
The VS Code 1.32 February update is out now and with it comes some great new features for Vue users.
Let's run through the list of f
CSS Algorithms
I wouldn't say the term "CSS algorithm" has widespread usage yet, but I think Lara Schenck might be onto something. She defines it as:
a well-defined declaration or set of declarations that produces a specific styling output
So a CSS algorithm isn't really a component where there is some parent...
Code Challenge #16: Infinite Scroll Unsplash Gallery
Photos and media in general play a great part of websites and inefficient handling may lead to loss of site performance and ultimately, users. In this week's challenge, we will build a photo galler
22 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Development
One of the most impressive parts of Visual Studio Code is customizability, especially via extensions. If you're a web developer, you won't be able to live without installing these extensions!
Simple Crazy Buttons in VanillaJS (Solution to Code Challenge #15)
Last week on the code challenge #15 we set out to complete a challenge on manipulating DOM properties
Secure Dependencies with GitHub and Dependabot
Updating and confirming security for dependencies from open source projects just became a lot more easier, GitHub announced
VS Code January Update! No more reloading to install extensions!
The VS Code January update is out (version 1.31) and as usual, the VS Code team has put in som
Testing React and Redux Apps with Jest
React is a popular library for building user interfaces created by Facebook. Redux on the other hand is a wonderful s
Brýle od Applu jsou možná v ohrožení, z firmy odchází důležitý člověk
Apple údajně stále pracuje na svém projektu pro virtuální a rozšířenou realitu. Není však jisté, kdy se objeví výsledky, ani to, jak se projeví odchod Aviho Bar-Zeeva, který kvůli tomu před lety do Applu přišel.Další články k tématu:Na nás všechny se řítí nové reality. Tady je návod, jak...
Code Challenge #15: Simple Crazy Buttons with VanillaJS
Woohoo! This is the first of our live stream code challenge series, and we'll kick it off with completing a super satisfying and rather funny challenge using HTML, CSS and plain Vanilla JavaScript
Live Coding is Boring. Announcing Weekly Live Coding with!
Hello there. Chris Sevilleja, creator of here. I've been doing some
An Overview of the Most Exciting Proposals for the Web Platform Related to Web Components
As much as I like frameworks, I'm also a big fan of the native web platform, especially web components.
I look forward to the times when the implementation will be powerful eno
11 Awesome JavaScript Extensions for Visual Studio Code
One of the most impressive parts of Visual Studio Code is customizability, especially via extensions. I won't cover framework specific extensions, but here are some of the best extensions in VS Cod
Top 10 Podcasts for Web Developers
A Web Developer's need to learn never ends, so what better way to take in the latest technologies than listening to a podcast?! You can listen while you drive, clean the house, take a shower (no ju
Announcing Coding Challenges! Weekly Code Tests and Twitch Live Streams!
Code Challenges are an awesome way to improve your knowledge of web development, build interesting stuff and have fun at the same time.
The Scotch Code Challenges are weekly, short and fun challeng
Angular, Autoprefixer, IE11, and CSS Grid Walk into a Bar…
I am attracted to the idea that you shouldn't care how the code you author ends up in the browser. It's already minified. It's already gzipped. It's already transmogrified (real word!) by things that polyfill it, things that convert it into code that older browsers understand, things that make...
Getting started with Gateman.JS for Node app authorization
Gatemanjs is an authorization system designed to manage roles and claims in node applications that use mongodb for data storage. It works together with mongoose to provide a fluent approach to mana