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Bitcoin Cash Roundup: Adoption Stories and New Developments

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) adoption, development, and participation continue to spread as there’s been a myriad of BCH-related announcements in the last few weeks. Moreover, there’s now over 18 million bitcoin cash in circulation and only three million coins left to mine. Also read: Ethereum...

Ethereum Name Service Adds Infrastructure for Multi-Currency Support

On October 16, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) announced multi-currency support and integration with 15 platforms and wallets. The fusion will provide users with the ability to use a single ENS name across a wide spectrum of crypto applications alongside leveraging a variety of digital assets. Also...

104 Addresses Hold 70% of Tether, Research Reveals

The ownership of tether (USDT) turns out to be quite concentrated. According to a recent report, a few addresses control the bulk of the stablecoin, which is widely used by bitcoin traders. The finding comes on top of fresh accusations of creating a bubble levied in a lawsuit against tether’s...

80% of Crypto Trade Volume Tracked by Blockchain Surveillance

Ever since governments worldwide started showing adversity toward cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, a few startups have dedicated their business model to blockchain surveillance. Two weeks ago, Chainalysis revealed the company is monitoring 21 different tokens that stem from Ethereum. On Tuesday,...

Bitcoin Cash Outshines BTC Retail Spending in Australia by a Wide Margin

The BCH-centric web portal published on October 13 an in-depth report that shows the aggregate of cryptocurrency expenditure for Australian retail businesses. According to the 10-page document, BCH transactions in the country exceed BTC transactions by a wide margin and BCH is...

If You’d Bought These Coins in 2014, This Is What You’d Have Made

Fall is here, and it’s a good time for reflection, regrouping and gearing up for the coming new year. In the case of crypto, looking back at the markets of the past puts things into similar perspective. An examination of the top 10 cryptocurrencies of just five years ago sheds light on...

Why the Maximalist Narrative of Just Hodl and Wait Is Unsustainable

It’s encountered all over the crypto space these days — the idea that the only correct way to “Bitcoin” is to hold and not spend, and to desperately lash out on crypto Twitter at anyone who thinks differently. But what ever happened to Satoshi’s original call for...

Sean Walsh: Cryptocurrencies Can Harness More Human Energy

Bitcoin scores high in terms of ‘moneyness’ compared to other forms of money as it has some technical advantages and social inertia. In an interview with’s Humans of Bitcoin podcast, brilliant contrarian thinker Sean Walsh shared his opinion about cryptocurrencies...

Bitcoin Cash Settles More Value Than ETH in Dollars Moved

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponents have recently been discussing the amount of value participants have been sending onchain. For quite some time now, statistics show the BCH chain has been moving more money than the ETH network in terms of USD value sent per day. With extremely low network fees, a good...

Market Outlook: Leading Cryptocurrencies Attempt to Break Resistance

Digital currency markets have started to show strong signs of recovery after dropping to new lows last week. On Monday, a number of cryptocurrencies gained between 2-5% over the course of the day. Crypto prices have held steady into the next day and many digital assets will likely test...

Bitcoin History Part 18: The First Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin users today are blessed with a panoply of feature-rich software and hardware wallets. When Bitcoin launched, however, there were no wallets. It took Satoshi Nakamoto to engineer the first desktop client, and his creation proved surprisingly resilient, serving the community faithfully...

Protesters Wield Tools of Freedom as Hong Kong Imposes Dictatorship

Four months of protests continue in Hong Kong as the world is witnessing the biggest uprising of political dissent in the territory since the 1997 ‘handover’ from Britain to China. Protesters have recently embraced wearing Guy Fawkes masks but on October 3, Hong Kong’s current...

Data Shows Institutional Interest in Bitcoin Has Diminished

Last spring and the beginning of summer 2019 saw digital asset markets spike considerably in value, and many speculators assumed the rise was due to institutional investors. However, BTC and a variety of other popular digital asset prices started plummeting in August. Reports now detail that...

Crypto Investment Group Grayscale Releases Bitcoin Cash Primer

Crypto investment firm Grayscale has just released “An Introduction to Bitcoin Cash” highlighting the basics of BCH for those who may be yet unfamiliar, or just wish to brush up on the popular token forked from Bitcoin Core on August 1, 2017. With a significant reputation in...

German Bank Predicts BTC at $90,000 After Next Halving

You wouldn’t expect a traditional financial institution to come up with a very optimistic forecast about the future of a cryptocurrency or an honest appraisal of its design. But Bayern LB, a lender based in the rich German province of Bavaria, has surprised the crypto community. In a recently...

Video Shows $10M Chinese Bitcoin Mining Farm in Flames

During the early morning hours of September 30, a nine-minute video circulated on Twitter showing a large bitcoin mining farm burning down. Sources say the mining farm belonged to the company Innosilicon and roughly $10 million worth of mining rigs were destroyed. Also Read: Central Banks in Panic...

Financial Giant Fidelity Backs Bitcoin Derivatives Yield Fund

The Los Angeles-based Wave Financial has announced the launch of a bitcoin derivatives-based yield fund and Fidelity will provide custody for the fund’s BTC reserves. Wave Financial’s crypto fund commencement is part of a growing trend toward launching BTC derivatives products....

Without Disobedience, Bitcoin Is No Better Than Gold

With the launch of Bakkt’s bitcoin futures market and Binance’s revamped U.S. exchange, there’s been a lot of talk in the space about institutionalization and traditional money flowing into crypto. It’s almost as if some believe that Bitcoin can’t scale as a purely...

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