
Nalezeno "European Central Bank": 190

ECB Wants Active Role in Crypto, Will Not Deter Private Solutions

The European Central Bank (ECB) wants to play an active role in the field of digital currency, said President Christine Lagarde. As the bank works on its own digital currency and an instant payment system, Lagarde emphasizes that “central bank initiatives should neither discourage nor crowd...

European Central Bank’s CBDC Borrows Bitcoin’s Pseudo-Anonymity

On December 17, the European Central Bank (ECB) published a report that showcased its blockchain technology proof-of-concept. One particular feature the central bank digital chain holds is the ability to issue “anonymity vouchers.” Also read: Lagarde Sees Demand for Stablecoins, Plans...

German Banks Increasingly Charging Retail Clients Negative Interest Rates

A growing number of banks in Germany are charging retail customers negative interest rates, starting with the very first euro deposited into their accounts. At least three German banks are reportedly doing so, with more expected to follow suit in the near future. As the European Central Bank...

ECB Nominee Blames Resistance to Negative Rates on Financial Illiteracy

European Central Bank (ECB) executive board nominee and member of the German Council of Economic Experts, Isabel Schnabel, recently remarked at a European Parliament hearing that “This scapegoating [of the ECB] is extremely dangerous: it may damage the trust in the euro.” Schnabel...

Why Central Banks Are Not Designed for Democracies

Through their policies, central banks exert tremendous influence over the socio-economic conditions in a country and its business environment. Their decisions are so powerful that it’s obvious they are part of the government. But most people would be surprised to find out that central banks...

Bank of Lithuania Issues Guidelines on Security Token Offerings

Recognizing that businesses are seeking alternative ways to raise capital other than bank lending, the Bank of Lithuania has issued new guidelines on security token offerings. The goal is to clarify applicable rules without introducing more regulations. Also read: Mario Draghi Leaves European...

Tax Form to Report Revenues From Cryptocurrency Trading Issued in Poland

Authorities in Poland have clarified the taxation of revenues received from cryptocurrency exchange transactions. The Ministry of Finance has recently published a 2019 tax form that has a dedicated section where taxpayers are expected to declare separately proceeds from crypto trading. Also read:...

Major German Coop Bank Passes Negative Interest Rates to Customers

One of Germany’s largest cooperative banks has begun charging its retail customers a negative interest rate. Other major banks could follow suit since the European Central Bank cut the deposit rate to a record low. Deutsche Bank recently said that it needs to be “much more robust about...

Here’s How Europeans Can Deal With Negative Interest Rates

Low and negative interest rates have been a burden for account holders across Europe for some time. And it’s only getting worse, as the European Central Bank just announced a new rate cut to a record low of -0.5%. Private and corporate customers in many countries on the continent don’t...

European Countries Step Up Response to Facebook’s Libra

The European Central Bank (ECB) and a number of countries in the region have stepped up their efforts in response to Facebook’s Libra, which has revived a competing ECB project for instant payments. As Facebook engages Switzerland’s financial regulator, the ECB clarifies how Libra...

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