
Nalezeno "Precious": 180

Mainstream Investment Vehicles Tied to Cryptocurrencies Grow Exponentially

These days bitcoin and a variety of other digital assets are now being traded as funds and traditional equity holdings. The landscape of crypto investment vehicles has changed significantly as institutional and retail investors don’t need direct exposure to cryptocurrencies in order to invest...

Bitcoin History Part 21: Miners Pour One out for Satoshi

There are a few ways of looking at bitcoin mining. As an ostensibly selfish enterprise, wherein miners are seeking to extract precious coins for profit. And as a community of individuals who envisage a better way of generating, handling and using money, and are motivated to secure the Bitcoin...

Gold and Silver Follow Similar Trend to Bitcoin, React to News About China

With crypto prices moving after almost every positive or negative bit of news related to China, gold and silver markets have been reacting to such events as well. With some exceptions, the overall trend in their value has been negative since September. The prospects of both digital coins...

New Cypherpunk Podcast Debuts Discussing Cryptoanarchy

The Cypherpunk Bitstream podcast hosted by cryptoanarchists @thefrankbraun and @TheRealSmuggler has just released its second episode. The show compassionately reaches out to those listeners tired of the coercive “statist-quo” and explores how anyone can use cryptographic technology...

Why a VPN Is the First Layer You Should Pull On When Browsing the Web

Virtual private networks (VPNs) can be useful for all kinds of things, from streaming foreign sports to protecting your identity from heightened online surveillance. For cryptocurrency users, VPNs are particularly precious, providing access to exchanges that are geo-restricted, and enabling crypto...

The Demand for Permissionless Freedom Is Just Getting Started

Every year the world seems to be getting crazier and more people are starting to realize that it stems from oppressive government transgressions against a peaceful society. The world has noticed millions of people from France, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Indonesia and more are rising up because citizens...

Germany’s Financial Crisis Invokes 5-Year Rent Freeze

All eyes are on the German economy which was once perceived as stable and strong. However, the financial state of affairs has been tumultuous and Berlin’s state cabinet recently agreed to a five-year rent freeze to help curb the rising housing costs in the country. Moreover, Bundesbank just...

The Fed Plans to Inject $60 Billion per Month Into the Economy

On October 11, the U.S. Federal Reserve explained that it would inject more easing into the economy by purchasing Treasury bills at an initial $60 billion per month for the next two months. The purchasing rate could decrease or increase, but the central bank expects the easing plan to last until...

German Bank Predicts BTC at $90,000 After Next Halving

You wouldn’t expect a traditional financial institution to come up with a very optimistic forecast about the future of a cryptocurrency or an honest appraisal of its design. But Bayern LB, a lender based in the rich German province of Bavaria, has surprised the crypto community. In a recently...

Distrust of the Bolivar Prompts Venezuelans to Seek Sound Money

There’s a small team of committed researchers and activists called the Ryver Bitcoin Cash group surveying Venezuelans, and giving them educational resources about the benefits of bitcoin cash. The Venezuelan country has been suffering from rapid inflation and many people distrust...

Hong Kong Protest Leader Hopes to Incite Run on Chinese Banks

The 11th week of protesting in Hong Kong has passed as the world has witnessed massive sit-ins at the national airport and demonstrations across several locations citywide. The 2019 anti-extradition bill protests have affected Hong Kong’s local economy, investors have dumped on the benchmark...

The Making of an Animated Favicon

It’s the first thing your eyes look for when you’re switching tabs. That’s one way of explaining what a favicon is. The tab area is a much more precious screen real-estate than what most assume. If done right, besides being a label with icon, it can be the perfect billboard to represent what’s...

How to Become a Blockchain Developer

Skilled blockchain developers are a scarce commodity, as precious as the bitcoins that reside on the distributed ledgers they maintain. Teach yourself one of the major blockchain programming languages and you’ll be set for life, though like anything worth having, this achievement won’t...

Crypto Assets Outshine Most Traditional Investments in 2019

Last year, cryptocurrency proponents either complained about the low prices or celebrated the fact they could obtain cheaper coins. 2019 has been an entirely different story, however, as digital assets have started to gain significant value in comparison to traditional assets like stocks, oil,...

Bitcoin History Part 12: When No One Wanted Your BTC

Today, bitcoin is so precious that its hodlers are prone to locking their keys away inside nuclear bunkers, bank vaults, and military grade hardware wallets. But things weren’t always that way. Back in the early days, bitcoin was deemed so undesirable that you would have struggled to give...

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