Japanese Banking Heavyweight Nomura to Launch Crypto-Focused Venture Capital Arm
On Wednesday, the Japanese financial holding company and principal member of the Nomura Group, Nomura Holdings, announced the launch of a crypto-focused venture capital unit called Laser Digital Holdings. Nomura’s move follows a number of financial giants entering the cryptocurrency industry...
Japanese banking giant Nomura launches digital ecosystem VC arm
“Staying at the forefront of digital innovation is a key priority for Nomura,” said president and group CEO of Nomura Holdings Kentaro Okuda
Singapore's financial authority grants license to SBI's digital asset arm
The firm planned to launch a digital asset securities platform in Singapore, as well as provide custody, capital markets products and corporate finance advisory services
Arm žaluje jednoho z největších partnerů. Qualcomm to zabrzdí ve vývoji revolučního procesoru
Arm včera oznámil, že u amerického okresního soudu v Delaware žaluje společnosti Qualcomm a Nuvia kvůli porušení licenčních podmínek. Qualcomm loni koupil Nuvii za 1,4 miliardů a převzal její vývoj nadějného procesoru Phoenix. Podle Armu to však odporuje podepsaným smlouvám.
Britská společnost
Kakao’s Arm Strikes Real-name Banking Deal with Coinone Crypto Exchange
Kakao Bank, the biggest neobank in South Korea and an offshoot of the internet giant Kakao, has confirmed it has sealed a partnership deal that will see it provide real-name banking services for customers of the crypto exchange Coinone.
The deal finally puts an end to months of speculation...
Coinbase Partners With World’s Largest Asset Manager Blackrock to Give Aladdin Clients Access to Cryptocurrencies
On August 4, the head of Coinbase Institutional, Brett Tejpaul, and the vice president of institutional product, Greg Tusar, announced that Coinbase has been selected by the financial giant Blackrock to provide the firm’s Aladdin platform access to cryptocurrencies. Blackrock Chooses...
Binance Taps Co-Founder Yi He to Head $7.5B Venture Arm
Binance Labs announced a new $500 million fund in June to invest in Web3 and blockchain projects
Charles Schwab’s $655B Asset Management Arm to Start Trading Crypto-Related ETF This Week
Charles Schwab’s $655 billion asset management arm is launching its first crypto-related exchange-traded fund (ETF). The new fund is expected to start trading this week on the NYSE Arca exchange. Charles Schwab Launches Its First Crypto-Related ETF Schwab Asset Management, a subsidiary...
Procesor Ampere Altra Max s 80 jádry Arm byl otestován v Geekbench 5. Překoná i nejlepší konkurenci na bázi x86
O procesorech od společnosti Ampere se v běžných testech nedočtete, zaměřují se totiž na servery a datacentra. Dostupný model Ampere Altra Max se ale dostal do rukou známého fanouška přetaktování a úprav – derBauer.
Ampere Altra Max Q80-30 staví na instrukční sadě Arm v8 a je vyroben 7nm
Charles Schwab's asset management arm launches crypto-linked ETF
Schwab said the investment vehicle will offer exposure to firms involved in mining and staking as well as developing blockchain-based apps or distributed ledger technology
Foundry Digital Launches Logistics Arm to Advance Standards in the Cryptocurrency Mining Industry
On Thursday, Foundry Digital LLC, the mining company and subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG), announced the launch of Foundry Logistics in order to advance standards in the cryptocurrency mining industry. The newly launched arm of the company plans to “bridge the gap between hardware...
Telefonica to Invest in Metaverse Through Gamium
Telefonica, one of the largest communication companies in Spain, has decided to invest in Gamium, strengthening its metaverse push. The company will allocate a non-disclosed amount of funds to this metaverse initiative through Wayra, its innovation-based incubator arm. The company is also...
Leading Auction House Christie’s Launches Web3 and Fintech Venture Arm
On Monday, Christie’s, the leading British auction house founded 256 years ago in 1766, announced the launch of a new venture fund called Christie’s Ventures. According to the announcement, the company’s venture arm plans to focus on “[Web3] innovation, art-related...
HPE začne v ČR prodávat servery s nadějnými ARM čipy Ampere. ARM už nasadily Seznam nebo Huawei
Hewlett Packard Enterprise je prvním velkým hráčem, který na trh dodá servery s ARM čipy Ampere. Platforma ARM začíná do datacenter pronikat různými cestami
State-Owned Swiss Bank Postfinance to Offer Clients Direct Access to Crypto Market
Swiss post office’s banking unit, the state-owned Postfinance, is reportedly preparing to enter the crypto market. “Our clients want direct access to this market through their house bank.” Swiss Post Office’s Banking Arm to Enter Crypto Market The banking and financial...
Swiss Post's banking arm developing in-house crypto custody platform
Switzerland’s fifth-largest financial institution is set to develop an independent cryptocurrency trading and custody service for its clientele
Xiaomi Book S vypadá jako Microsoft Surface. Tablet láká na dlouhou výdrž, Arm a nízkou cenu
Čínský výrobce včera na globální trh uvedl hned několik novinek, mezi nimi i svůj první tablet s Windows. Xiaomi Book S si bere inspiraci v počítačích od Microsoftu. Jeho prvotina nese 12,4" dotykový IPS displej s rozlišením 2560 × 1600 px slibující 100% pokrytí barevného prostoru DCI-P3 a
Apple drtí notebookovou konkurenci s čipy Arm. Shrábne 90 % všech příjmů
Apple už masivně přešel na vlastní čipy na bázi instrukční sady Arm a platí to i pro počítače a notebooky, pro které používá čip M1 v různých variacích a nedávno představil i novou generaci v podobě M2.
Dle informací Strategy Analytics je Apple v oblasti úspěchu s čipy Arm u notebooků absolutní
Huobi Launches Blockchain and Web3 Investment Arm Ivy Blocks
Huobi, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the creation of a new investment arm to tackle decentralized finance and Web3 projects. Ivy Blocks, as it was named by the exchange, will focus on finding projects in seed stages to aid them via financing and other supporting services with...
Huobi Global launches $1B investment arm focused on DeFi and Web3
The bear market in crypto hasn’t deterred venture capital firms from investing heavily in blockchain and Web3 projects