Ethereum Transfer Fees Drop From Recent Highs, L2 ETH Solutions Between 46-97% Cheaper
At the end of August, Ethereum network gas costs skyrocketed and tapped a high of $59 per transaction on September 7, according to the average transaction fee spent on that day. The median fee for an ether transaction on September 7 was around $20 per transaction. Days later, ether transaction fees...
Can we have custom media queries, please?
Stefan Judis notes that there is a spec for custom media queries, but seemingly no momentum on it at the moment. That lack of movement is unfortunate, as it’s almost guaranteed front-end developers all over would start using it as …
The post Can we have custom media queries, please?...
Early Days for CSS Scoping
There is a working draft spec for CSS scoping now, a newsworthy event for the W3C. Other than a weird period where <style scoped shipped and then was subsequently removed from the spec (and browsers), this is the furthest a …
The post Early Days for CSS Scoping appeared first...
My tiny side project has had more impact than my decade in the software industry
That’s a heartwrenching title from Michael Williamson. I believe it though. It’s kinda like a maximized version of the blogging phenomenon where if you work on a post for weeks it’ll flop compared to a post that’s some dumb 20-minute …
The post My tiny side project...
How I Made a Generator for SVG Loaders With Sass and SMIL Options
While learning Vue.js, I started building free web tools that involved the exploration of SVG, with the goal of learning something about both! Let’s take a look at one of those tools: a generator that makes SVG loaders and …
The post How I Made a Generator for SVG Loaders With Sass and SMIL...
Creating a Headless WordPress Site With Frontity
Frontity is a WordPress-focused React-based server-side dynamic-rendering framework (phew!) that allows us to create fast headless websites. Chris has a good introduction to Frontity. I guess you could think of it like Next.js for WordPress. And while the demand …
The post Creating...
Using Nuxt and Supabase for a Multi-User Blogging App
Nuxt is a JavaScript framework that extends the existing functionality of Vue.js with features like server-side rendering, static page generation, file-based routing, and automatic code splitting among other things.
I’ve been enjoying using frameworks like Nuxt and Next because they …
An In Depth Look at Bitcoin’s First Chain Split: Satoshi Helps Reverse the Creation of 184 Billion BTC
Since January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin network has been functional for 99.98662952015% of the time. However, the protocol has had a few hiccups along the way and on a few occasions, the chain split into two. Most people are well aware of the Bitcoin Cash split that took place on August 1, 2017, but...
We took a surface level look at Pipedream the other day, which really does look cool. It’s like a much more modern and fancy version of what Yahoo Pipes was. A better comparison might be Zapier, except you …
The post Napkin appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks...
Responsible Markdown in Next.js
Markdown truly is a great format. It’s close enough to plain text so that anyone can quickly learn it, and it’s structured enough that it can be parsed and eventually converted to you name it.
That being said: parsing, processing, …
The post Responsible Markdown in Next.js appeared first...
Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today
For quite a while now, the CSS spec has included a lot of really useful mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()), exponential functions (…
The post Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today appeared...
Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks
I got together with Tim Kadlec from over at WebPageTest the other day to use do a bit of performance testing on CSS-Tricks. Essentially use the tool, poke around, and identify performance pain points to work on. You can watch …
The post Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks...
V řecké protipirátské síti skončil i známý titulkový web
V Řecku od 2018 platí novela autorského zákona, která dala do rukou držitelů autorských práv mocnou zbraň. Mohou nechat smazat nechtěný obsah nebo zablokovat celou internetovou doménu úřední cestou i bez rozhodnutí soudu.
Tamní ministerstvo kultury a sportu k tomuto účelu založilo zvláštní deploys its Ethereum Virtual Machine chain testnet
Running on a proof-of-authority consensus algorithm, Cronos is powered by Ethermint, a proof-of-stake chain interoperable with Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains
Practical Use Cases for Scroll-Linked Animations in CSS with Scroll Timelines
The Scroll-Linked Animations specification is an upcoming and experimental addition to CSS. Using the @scroll-timeline at-rule and animation-timeline property this specification provides you can control the time position of regular CSS Animations by scrolling.
In this post, we take a …
UFC Partners With — Sources Say $175 Million Deal Is MMA Firm’s Largest Sponsorship
The cryptocurrency exchange has revealed the company has entered a partnership with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) as the firm’s global fight kit partner. Reports stemming from people familiar with the matter say the partnership is a ten-year deal worth $175 million and... owner reports site hit with 'absolutely massive' DDoS attack
The attack comes just one week after a U.K. court ordered the website to stop hosting the Bitcoin white paper blocks access to Bitcoin software download in the UK
Apart from removing the white paper, Cøbra has removed access to Bitcoin software for site visitors from the United Kingdom
Craig Wright Wins Default Judgment Against Cobra — Forced to Remove White Paper
The self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin, Craig Wright, has won a default judgment in London’s High Court in his copyright infringement case against the pseudonymous operator of According to a report, the website and its owner Cobra must remove the Bitcoin white paper from the...
Craig Wright wins default judgment, must remove Bitcoin Whitepaper
29.6.2021 must now remove the Bitcoin whitepaper, host a notice referring to the court’s judgment, and pay $48,600 to cover Wright’s legal costs