
Nalezeno "s panel": 207

WordPress and Jamstack

I recently moderated a panel at Netlify’s virtual Jamstack Conf that included Netlify CEO Matt Biilman and Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg. The whole thing was built up — at least to some — as a “Jamstack vs. WordPress” showdown. I have lots of thoughts of my own on this...

Computed Values: More Than Meets the Eye

Browser DevTools are indispensable for us front end developers. In this article, we’ll take a look at the Computed tab, a small corner of the DevTools panel that shows us big things, like how relative CSS values are resolved. We’ll also see how inheritance fits into the browser’s...

A Panel of Experts See Bitcoin Averaging $12,948 by Year End

A panel of experts is predicting the price of bitcoin will rise to $10,337 by September before adding a further $2,611 to end the year at $12,948. The findings are drawn from a Finder Cryptocurrency Predictions Report for July 2020 and the latest figure is roughly $2,500 less than the price...

4th Amendment Does Not Protect Bitcoin Data, US Fifth Circuit Court Rules

A Fifth Circuit panel of judges recently ruled that Fourth Amendment rights do not apply to cryptocurrency transaction data that stems from an exchange. The U.S. court ruled against the defendant, Richard Gratkowski, who attempted to leverage the Fourth Amendment in an appeal. According to...

Unikátní displej v notebooku: MSI použilo 17" panel s Mini LED

Na letošním CESu se objevilo hned několik monitorů s Mini LED, tuto technologii podsvícení však MSI dostalo i do většího notebooku určeného pro profesionály. MSI Creator 17 má 17palcový 4K displej s Mini LED, které tvoří 240 samostatných zón pro podsvícení. Díky tomu dokáže displej lépe pracovat

BTC back below $8000

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 21 November, 2019 “Laughter is an instant vacation.” - Milton Berle In today's newsletter, we will be covering: A recent Bloomberg panel saying that Bitcoin (BTC) is more attractive during uncertain times Singapore […] The post BTC back...

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