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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Players Really Want To Kiss Their Pawns

Dragon’s Dogma 2, Capcom’s latest high-fantasy action role-playing game, lets you romance all sorts of non-player characters. From a city leader to a town fool, a brothel host to a young blacksmith, there’s plenty of love in the air between you as the Arisen and the game’s many NPCs. You can’t...

This Year’s Best Video Game April Fools’ Jokes

April Fools’ Day 2024 is upon us. Fans and brands use the annual holiday for goofs and giggles and to share the shitposts they’ve been cooking up all year. Though the shitposts sometimes just kinda end up being shit, some of them are genuinely good jokes. This year, we decided to round up some...

FF7 Rebirth Wants You To Pick Mushrooms For Some Reason (Here’s How)

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is an epic RPG of heroism and villainy, set in a massive fantasy world, filled with exciting quests where you’ll…pick mushrooms? Okay, sometimes Cloud and Co. need to grab some random odd jobs to fund their world-saving endeavors. Picking mushrooms for Cissnei (who’s...

Palworld Is The Latest Game To Fall Into A Tiresome April Fools’ Trend

April Fools’ Day is a nightmare for news writers. This morning, I woke up to an Overwatch Cavalry post about an Overwatch 2 x Valorant crossover, and it took my brain at least eight seconds to catch up to the date posted underneath the graphic. April Fools’ Day is the annual “make fun of dating...

Tekken 8 Players Beg For A Waffle House Stage

Over the weekend, a Twitter user made a simple plea to Katsuhiro Harada, the no-nonsense director best known for his work on the fighting game series Tekken: make Waffle House a Tekken stage. This sparked a tremendous outpouring of support for the idea that saw Harada’s mentions flooded with...

Even Tekken 8 Has A Battle Pass Now, And Players Aren’t Happy

Tekken 8 is an excellent fighting game that finally makes the somewhat convoluted franchise more digestible with accessible design and approachable mechanics. Unfortunately, whenever you reach the top, the only way to go is down, and it seems the highs of Bandai Namco’s recently released brawler...

Even More Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth And Dragon's Dogma 2 Tips

We get it, you’re still probably playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and that’s okay. It’s a big RPG and there are a lot of important choices, side quests, and min/maxing to be done, and we’ve got all the guides you could possible need for Square Enix’s masterpiece. Read more

Stellar Blade's Demo Is A Delicious Amuse-Bouche Of Stylish Action

Y’all, the Stellar Blade demo is finally live on PS5. It’s a short little vertical slice of developer Shift Up’s character action game, so while we still need to see a lot more before we come to any conclusions, I can at least say that the demo has me stoked for the full release. Why? Well, like...

Xbox Adds Dynamic Blue Dragon Background In Honor Of Akira Toriyama

Earlier this month, the world learned of the passing of legendary mangaka Akira Toriyama, the creator behind Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump, and Sand Land. In the world of games, he is best known as the prolific artist behind games like Chrono Trigger and the Dragon Quest series, as well as...

Nier Reincarnation’s Final Chapter Is Out Now, Don’t Miss It

A little over three years after its launch, Nier Reincarnation has finally released its final story chapter. The mobile gacha game set in the Drakengard and Nier universe created by Yoko Taro will be shutting down on April 29 of this year, so fans only have a short amount of time to see...

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s Ending Doesn’t Earn The Benefit Of The Doubt

I’ve had more than a month to consider Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s ending, and it’s not often that my feelings about something get worse with each passing day. Yet, here I am, thinking about how Square Enix has chosen to cap off the middle section of its planned Remake trilogy, and I’m even more...

22 Years Ago, Kingdom Hearts Almost Got Me Grounded For Life

We could hear her flip-flops slapping the concrete steps that led to the basement before we saw her. “Shh!” we hissed at each other, both of us adopting casual, seated poses on the well-worn couch to exude an air of relaxation, of calm. My sister’s breathing betrayed us, however—her chest...

Capcom Asks Players If They Want Dragon’s Dogma 2 DLC

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has only been out for a week but Capcom is already considering the possibility of adding content to the game in the future. The action-RPG has been met with widespread critical acclaim (and, yes, no shortage of player grievances), and it looks like the game’s publisher may want...

Visions of Mana Feels Like A Vintage RPG—For Better And Worse

I’m filling in some gaps in my RPG history. I’ve been playing series like Final Fantasy since I was a kid, but there are countless other landmark RPGs I’ve rarely touched, including the fantasy RPG Mana series, which splintered off of Final Fantasy Adventure in 1991. The only installment in...

How To Unlock (And Win) FF7 Rebirth’s Crunch-Off Mini-Game

Final Fantasy VII has been incorporating exercise mini-games ever since the original 1997 release challenged Cloud to pull off some competitive squats. Those returned in 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, with pull-ups tossed in for good measure. Rebirth keeps things going by also introducing a...

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