The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Finding the Longest Word In a Sentence
Finding the longest word in a string of text is a very common algorithmic challenge in the JavaScript world. In this article we examine three ways to solve this challenge, with each method showcasi
Angular, Autoprefixer, IE11, and CSS Grid Walk into a Bar…
I am attracted to the idea that you shouldn't care how the code you author ends up in the browser. It's already minified. It's already gzipped. It's already transmogrified (real word!) by things that polyfill it, things that convert it into code that older browsers understand, things that make...
The practical value of semantic HTML
I love how Bruce steps up to the plate here:
If the importance of good HTML isn’t well-understood by the newer breed of JavaScript developers, then it’s my job as a DOWF (Dull Old Web Fart) to explain it.
Then he points out some very practical situations in which good HTML brings meaningful...
WordCamp US 2018
I recently attended and had the chance to speak at WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville. I had a great time. I love conferences that bring people together around a tight theme because it's very likely you'll have something to talk about with every person there. Plus, I rather like WordPress and...
Browser Diversity Commentary, Regarding the Edge News
Still no word from the horse's mouth about the reported EdgeHTML demise, but I hear that's coming later today. The blog posts are starting to roll in about the possible impact of this though.
Andre Garzia: While we Blink, we loose the Web:
Even though Opera, Beaker and Brave are all doing very good...
Hyperlinking Beyond the Web
Hyperlinks are the oldest and the most popular feature of the web. The word hypertext (which is the ht in http/s) means text having hyperlinks. The ability to link to other people’s hypertext made the web, a web — a set of connected pages. This fundamental feature has made the web a very...
Versioning Interview
Adam Roberts (who you might recognize from our interview with him), interviewed me for the Versioning newsletter. I'm publishing my answers here for y'alls perusal as well!
Which dev/tech idea or trend excites you the most at the moment, and why?
I love that new JavaScript has arrived. I don’t...
Where Lines Break is Complicated. Here’s all the Related CSS and HTML.
Say you have a really long word within some text inside an element that isn't wide enough to hold it. A common cause of that is a long URL finding it's way into copy. What happens? It depends on the CSS. How that CSS is controlling the layout and what the CSS is telling the text to do.
Decorating lines of text with box-decoration-break
An institution’s motto, an artist’s intro, a company’s tagline, a community’s principle, a service’s greeting… all of them have one thing in common: they’re one brief paragraph displayed on a website’s home page — or at least the about page!
It’s rare that just one word or one line of text...
Word se naučil poslouchat. Texty už nemusíte psát, stačí diktovat. Umí to i Outlook, ale zatím jen anglicky
Diktování mohou nově využít všichni, kteří mají testovací verze Wordu, Outlooku a PowerPointu ve verzi 2016. Funkce si poradí i s interpunkcí a je provázána se servery Microsoftu, bez internetového připojení a předplatného Office 365 bohužel nebude fungovat. Prozatím je dostupná pouze v
Word vám sám nachystá základ životopisu. Data si vycucne z LinkedIn
Budou to letos dva roky, co Microsoft koupil LinkedIn, teprve až teď dochází k nějakému propojení s kancelářským balíkem Office. Máte-li předplatné, budete moci využít data z této sociální sítě pro snazší vytvoření svého životopisu. Funkce je prozatím dostupná pouze pro předplatitele Office 365 ve
Utility: The Defining Word for Tokens in 2018
A rising token tide may be lifting all boats, but when the water line lowers, utility will likely be their key defense
The 10 Best Free WordPress Themes For 2017
A collection of some of our favourite free WordPress themes for 2017