
Nalezeno "real": 2076

Deeper DX

Shawn Wang thinks there are deeper, perhaps more uncomfortable, places to go with developer experience (DX) beyond the surface-level stuff that we recently covered. Sure, sure, documentation, CLIs, good demos. But there are much harder questions to answer that are part of the real DX. Shawn lists...

Crypto Pro Portfolio Tracker Gets a Major Update

Crypto Pro app has extended its Apple device support and is now available on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. What is Crypto Pro? Crypto Pro tracks cryptocurrency prices in real-time and displays interactive charts with indicators. Users can also read the latest crypto news, set custom price...

Goldman Sachs Strategist Warns of 'Real Concerns' Over US Dollar

More strategists at major banks are voicing out their opinions about the position of the US dollar today, as well as its longevity. With the recent gold price rally, and fuelled by the ongoing and growing socio-economic issues, the USD's position as the world's reserve currency might...

Holy Albatross with Widths

Heydon’s Holy Albatross is a technique to have a row of elements break into a column of elements at a specific width. A specified parent width, not a screen width like a media query would have. So, like a container query (ya know, those things that don’t exist yet that we...

How to Make a Monthly Calendar With Real Data

Have you ever seen a calendar on a webpage and thought, how the heck did they did that? For something like that, it might be natural to reach for a plugin, or even an embedded Google Calendar, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward to make one than you might think and only requires...

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