Facebook’s Libra Token Back in Action, As Delegation from US to Visit Switzerland for Discussions
Ever since it was unveiled on June 18, Libra has been in the headlines, mostly for controversial reasons. From the US Congress to the Senate, from the US to the UK, lawmakers everywhere had polarizing views about the token. While a few of them felt that this Libra could help curtail illegal...
FinCEN Director Reminds Casinos to Follow Guidelines Regarding Cryptocurrencies
The Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Kenneth A. Blanco, has insisted casinos to observe the office’s guidelines concerning suspicious CVC (convertible virtual currency) activity. While addressing the twelfth Annual Las Vegas Anti-Money Laundering Conference...
Donald Trump zatoužil po Grónsku. Všichni se mu smějí, ale tato hrouda ledu má obrovský potenciál
Americký prezident zatoužil po Grónsku. Tedy alespoň podle The Wall Street Journalu a jeho zdrojů z nejbližšího okolí poradců Donalda Trumpa. S nimi měl prezident nápad konzultovat hned několikrát.
Ačkoliv se internet brzy zaplnil nejrůznějšími vtípky, které poukazovaly třeba na
Three of the World’s Biggest Tech Companies to Testify Against French Digital Tax in US
Over the past two decades, some of the biggest tech companies in the world originated in the United States, but it was not long before those companies expanded into the rest of the world. As long as those companies operating in the United States, they were governed by tax laws in their native...
Elon Musk Supports Yang – But Does Andrew Yang Really Support Bitcoin?
There’s much talk about multi-billionaire innovator Elon Musk’s newly announced support for Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Yang, known as the Bitcoin-friendly choice for 2020, has a reputation for innovation with his unique stance on Universal Basic Income, emphatic...
Trump’s Currency War With China Could Be Bitcoin’s Do-or-Die Moment
Donald Trump is stoking the flames of a new currency war, creating a do-or-die moment for the cryptocurrency movement, writes Michael J. Casey
Globální trh s mobily klesá, Samsung posílil a Huawei nezastaví ani Trump
Účetní spočítali, jednotliví výrobci reportovali, statistické agentury analyzovaly a my komentujeme. Globální trh s mobilními telefony má za sebou další kvartál, znovu to celé klesá, ale máme i pozitivní zprávy.
Samsung upevnil svoji vedoucí pozici. Hodně nás zajímalo, jak celá ta jarní
China Designated as Currency Manipulator by United States Treasury
In what can be termed as an unexpected turn of events, the United States Treasury has designated China as a Currency Manipulator. The announcement has been done via the Treasury Department’s official Twitter handle on 5th August, followed by a press release. U.S. Treasury Designates China as...
US Freezes Maduro Gov’t Assets as P2P Bitcoin Volume Soars in Venezuela
In a major escalation against socialist president Nicolás Maduro, Donald Trump’s administration has frozen all Venezuelan government assets
Currency War Erupts as US and China Bring Out the Big Guns
What started out as a trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies is now a full-blown currency war as the U.S. and China bring their big guns to the battlefield. The impact on the global financial markets was immediate and severe, driving up safe-haven assets as ordinary people...
Donald Trump v projevu vyzval k omezení násilných videoher. Míní, že mohou být příčinou masových střeleb v USA
Stejně jako se v USA po každé tragédii spojené s masovou střelbou otvírá téma omezení zbraní, pravidelně se vrací i údajný viník: počítačové hry.
Zmínil je dnes i prezident Donald Trump ve svém projevu věnovaném víkendovým tragédiím v El Pasu (Texas) a Daytonu (Ohio), při kterých zemřelo třicet
Blockchain Delegates to Trump’s ‘Peace to Prosperity’ Event Sue Each Other
The founders of Orbs — the blockchain startup President Trump invited to his Middle East Peace Plan conference — have become mired in their own fraternal strife
„Xi je můj přítel,“ napsal Trump a uvalil cla na zbylý čínský export. Sony zdraží PlayStation, Apple přesune výrobu
Americký prezident Trump zvládl v jedné zprávě na Twitteru označit čínského prezidenta Xi za svého přítele a obvinit ho z pokračujícího exportu Fentanylu, kvůli kterému dál umírají Američané. Vyjádřil naděje na pozitivní dialog nad Obchodní dohodou a světlou budoucnost obou zemí. A také oznámil 10%
Banks Stopped Walmart Bank – Now the Retail Giant Hits Back With Crypto
On August 1, it was discovered that the giant retail corporation Walmart has patented plans for a stablecoin that’s backed by U.S. dollars. If released into the wild, the USD-based cryptocurrency would be issued to select Walmart retailers and partners while the patent’s description...
More Than Third of Investors in US Ready to Invest in Bitcoin, Says Grayscale Investments Survey
Bitcoin was intended as currency, rather than an investment tool. However, it ironically has become one of the most preferred investment options in the world. As per a new survey by Grayscale Investments, about 36% of the investors in the United States are willing to invest in BTC. That means...
Bitcoin will Continue Its ‘Meteoric’ Rise in Week, Says Computer Scientist John McAfee
Bitcoin is falling steadily for the past several days, which has out a dead end to the terrific return of Bitcoin bulls since February. Between March and July, Bitcoin almost tripled in value and reached a peak of around $13,800. However, the prices since late June have tumbled, and BTC...
Trump Administration Sues Notorious Crypto Exchange BTC-e for $100 Million
Trump Administration has filed a lawsuit of $100 million against infamous Bitcoin exchange BTC-e, and its owner, Alexander Vinnik, in a district court in Northern California. The suit has been filed accusing the exchange of providing crypto services to US residents without complying to the laws...
Apple si s výrobou Macu Pro v Číně zavařil. Prezident Trump nedovolí žádné celní výjimky
Apple na podzim začne prodávat očekávaný profesionální počítač Mac Pro. Zatímco se u předchozího modelu chlubil tím, že je vyráběný v USA, novinka už bude kompletována v Číně. To při současné obchodní válce přináší firmě komplikace a ocenila by výjimku z celních podmínek. Prezident Trump toto ale
The Next Big Financial Meltdown Is Around the Corner, Many Voices Warn
“The economy is looking great,” how many times have they told you that? And why do you usually hear it when you are late on a mortgage payment or during a downsizing purge at your company? Relying on your senses is always a safer bet than trusting the wishful thinking of those...
John McAfee Released From Detention By Dominican Republic Armed Forces, Tweets Pictures
John McAfee, the famous crypto promoter and computer scientist had gone missing for the last couple of few days, as per his campaign manager and close aide Rob Loggia-Ramirez. Rob, using McAfee’s Twitter handle, had warned that if McAfee weren’t traced and sent back, several hidden data with...