Apple Credit Card is Not To Be Kept in Leather Wallet or Nearby Denim, Warns Apple
One of the biggest developments this year in the financial world has been the launch of the Apple credit card earlier this month. Over the past decade and a half, the tech giant has entered a range of different businesses and managed to turn it around altogether. The Apple Credit Card, produced...
Apple Commits $6 Billion Towards Content As it Eyes Amazon and Netflix
Over the past couple of years, it has become abundantly clear that entertainment is firmly going the way of on-demand services and video streaming is all set to become the preferred medium for more consumers in the year come. In the early years of online streaming, Netflix became the undisputed...
Apple Music To be Integrated into Porsche’s Electric Car Taycan
Over the past few years, electric cars have become a hugely popular product in many countries across the world and rightly so. However, the manufacturers of electric cars have also become far more varied, and even mainstream car manufacturers have started making them now. One of the biggest...
Apple’s Streaming Service to Challenge Prime and Netflix Will Go Live in November This Year
Over the past few years, it has become abundantly clear that people are prepared to pay for high-quality programming on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, among others. The number of subscriptions has increased at a breakneck pace over the years, and plenty of people are...
Bill Stasior dlouhé roky šéfoval Apple Siri. Teď jej pod svá křídla získal Microsoft
William F. Stasior strávil sedm let v Applu, kde vedl vývoj chytré hlasové asistentky Siri. Když začínal, tým přidělených inženýrů čítal sedmdesát lidí. A dnes? Siri a přidružené technologie vyvíjí více než 1 100 specialistů a Apple pod Stasiorovým vedením pohltil nejméně desítku technologických
Apple chystá seriál dražší než Hra o trůny. Má připravené miliardy
Že Apple připravuje svoji vlastní streamovací službu, není žádným tajemstvím. Diskuze se spíše točí kolem toho, jak bude vypadat a kolik bude stát. To stále nevíme, ale jak zjistil deník Financial Times, Apple vyčlenil na televizní a filmovou tvorbu nových 5 miliard dolarů.
Dříve mluvil o jedné
Binance iOS App Listed on Apple App Store After Delay for Review
Binance’s iOS app is officially listed on the Apple App Store once more after a lengthy review period
Binance’s iOS App Returns to Apple Store
The largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume, Binance’s iOS app has returned after a month's hiatus
Může Apple vůbec existovat bez svého šéfdesignéra? Připomeňte si, co všechno vymyslel Jony Ive
Apple na sklonku června oznámil odchod Jonyho Iva z firmy • Založí si vlastní studio designérů a zpomalí • V Applu přitom pracoval 27 let a účastnil se prakticky všeho
Binance App Gets Listed On Apple Store, CEO Says Was Very Difficult To Get It Done
Binance has made Apple users rejoice, as it launched the highly anticipated iOS application on Friday. The app is now open for general users and seems to be working fine. However, the process of getting listed on iOS wasn’t as easy as it sounds, at least according to CEO Changpeng Zhao. In...
Apple Slaps Lawsuit Against Corellium for Selling Unlawful iOS Replicas
When it comes to technical innovation, then there are very few companies which can hold a candle to Apple and over the years, those innovative products have made the company immensely rich. Like any other company, Apple is also fiercely protective of the products it has made and particularly...
Samsung Adds Bitcoin Support to Its Blockchain Keystore
On August 13, Samsung, the South Korean multinational conglomerate, published the company’s new Blockchain Keystore SDK for developers and the latest release supports Bitcoin Core (BTC). The version follows Samsung’s previous Keystore release which only supported ETH and the ERC20...
US Aviation Regulator FAA Bans Some MacBook Pro Laptops from Flights
When it comes to flights, regulators need to be extremely careful about what they allow onboard and what not. Even the slightest spark of fire on board can result in a gruesome accident and hence, most aviation regulators across the world take a dim view of anything that could prove to be a fire...
Traditional Financial Organizations Face Heat from Apple Following Credit Card Launch
Over the year, some of the biggest tech companies in the world have made forays into businesses that are starkly different from their core business and managed to make it a complete success. For instance, Apple entered into the music industry by way of the iPod and iTunes and eventually changed...
Researchers can Receive Great ‘Bounty’ from Apple for Finding Security Flaws in iPhones
Cybersecurity researchers have a reason to rejoice. According to the latest reports, Apple Inc has decided to offer up to one million dollars as rewards to cybersecurity researchers for finding out faults in iPhones. Interestingly, it is the highest reward any company has ever offered to defend...
Apple Offers $1 Million to Cyber Security Researchers to Find Security Flaws in iPhone
Over the past few years, fears about cybersecurity have increased manifold among most people in the world, and there are legitimate reasons behind such a development. The revelations from whistleblowers have proven beyond doubt that there are organizations who are engaged in trying to gather...
Goldman Sachs and Apple Have Started Issuing Long-Awaited Apple Credit Cards
Apple has always been known for producing innovative products and moving into industries in which it did not have any presence at all. The company proved it by moving into the music & smartphone industries in the 2000s. Now, it is moving into the credit card industry. Last month, the tech giant...
[aktualita] Apple s Goldman Sachs uvedl virtuální kreditku
Společnost Apple ve spolupráci s bankovním domem Goldman Sachs včera uvedla vlastní virtuální kreditní kartu pro uživatele iPhone, upozornila na to agentura Reuters. Karta je v současné chvíli dostupná pouze ve Spojených státech, když o ní ale společnost mluvila poprvé (březen 2019), zmiňovala...
Facebook and WhatsApp Calling to be Restricted by Apple Due to Data Collection Fears
Over the past couple of years, users’ privacy has been one of the burning topics when it comes to some of the biggest tech companies and Facebook has probably borne the brunt of the backlash. The company has experienced a series of data breaches and there have been multiple complaints about how...
Samsung Is Now Offering 17 Crypto Apps
Electronics giant Samsung is adding dapps to its online store in a bid to outpace its competition