
Nalezeno "Microsoft": 3441

Přechod na Windows 11 je spolehlivý, Microsoft proto urychlí upgrady z Desítek

Ještě před koncem ledna Microsoft prozradil, jak bude pokračovat distribuce Windows 11 na počítače s Windows 10. Formálně byla zahájena 4. října 2021 s tím, že většina zařízení s Desítkami není kompatibilní, protože Jedenáctky striktně vyžadují moderní hardware a zabezpečovací prvky. Oproti

Halo Mod Makes TV Show Canon By Adding Chevy Tahoe

Chevy fans who also love Halo, rejoice. Finally, your day has arrived. A talented modder has added a Chevy Tahoe into Halo 3 after being inspired by the SUV’s recent appearance in a new Halo TV show trailer. Read more

Windows 11 se těsněji provážou s předplatným Microsoft 365

V prosinci Microsoft uvedl, že na nové funkce do Windows 11 nebudeme muset čekat celý rok, který od sebe dělí hlavní vydání. Některé novinky by měl doplňovat průběžně pomocí servisních aktualizací, byť očekáváme, že by mělo jít spíše o drobnosti. Firma si navíc otevřela dveře, ale možnost nutně

The Japanese Internet Reacts To Sega Leaving The Arcade Business

After 56 years, Sega’s arcade history is coming to a close. In fall 2020, Sega sold off 85 percent of its arcade business to Tokyo-based Genda. Now, the company has sold off its remaining stock, and Genda is removing the Sega name from arcades. In its place, Genda will use the “Gigo” name, which...

Destiny 2 Won't Become A PlayStation Exclusive Post-Acquisition, Sony Says

Since it acquired Activision Blizzard, we’ve heard a lot of hedged words from Microsoft about potential Xbox exclusivity for Call of Duty in the years to come. In contrast, Sony is being much more upfront regarding its newly announced plan to acquire Bungie: Destiny 2 will remain multiplatform,...

Sony Buys Bungie, Makers of Destiny 2 For $3.6B

Sony has responded to Microsoft’s record-shattering deal to buy Activision Blizzard with acquisition news of its own, announcing today it plans to buy Destiny 2-maker Bungie for $3.6 billion.Read more

Science Has Figured Out The Worst Starting Word In Wordle

You might think you are good at Wordle, with your favorite starting word and all that. But a real Wordle expert can complete puzzles using the worst starting word as determined recently by a computer and TikTok user.Read more

Xbox Game Pass Will Soon Stop Taking Money From Inactive Accounts

Thanks to an investigation into online gaming subscriptions by the United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Microsoft will soon improve the ways in which its Xbox Game Pass service handles auto-renewal, refunds, and inactive memberships. (h/t PC Gamer)Read more

Halo Infinite's Ranked Capture The Flag Matches Are Too Long

Yesterday, developer 343 Industries shook up Halo Infinite’s ranked playlist. For the foreseeable future, matches of capture the flag, specifically on the Behemoth map, will no longer appear in the playlist’s rotation, effectively nixing one of the most widely hated maps. Players of the...

The Ongoing Fury Around Halo Infinite's Store And Its Prices, Explained

Last night, Microsoft announced that Halo Infinite has been played by more than 20 million people since its surprise release last November. In other words, at any given moment, up to 20 million people (or more!) are engaged in roiling debate over some aspect of how developer 343 Industries runs...

Halo Infinite Removes Its Worst Map From Ranked Play, Pros Rejoice

The behemoth has been slayed, literally. Starting this afternoon, you’ll no longer see Halo Infinite’s worst mode (capture the flag) appear on Halo Infinite’s worst map (Behemoth) in ranked playlists. Halo senior community manager John Junyszek confirmed the news in a post over on the Halo Waypoint...

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