Trump Takes Aim at Bitcoin, But Crypto Community Says ‘Thanks’
Source: Twitter, @WhiteHouse
American President Donald Trump has lashed out at cryptocurrencies – taking aim at Bitcoin and Facebook’s Libra project in particular, and insisting that the social network and other token issuers must “face global regulations” if they intend on “becoming banks.”
US President Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Not a Fan’ of Bitcoin
US President Donald Trump tweeted about bitcoin and Facebook's Libra on Thursday. He's not a fan
[aktualita] Trump vrací úder: francouzskou digitální daň prověříme a možná zavedeme odvetné tarify
Americký prezident Donald Trump nařídil přezkoumat právě schvalovaný navrh nové francouzské digitální daně pro velké internetové firmy, nelíbí se mu, že zasáhne vlivné americké společnosti. Vyšetřování povede vládní agentura Office of the United States Trade Representative a bude se snažit...
[aktualita] Donald Trump blokováním kritiků na Twitteru porušuje zákony, rozhodl soud
První dodatek americké ústavy nepovoluje veřejnému činiteli, který používá účet na sociálních sítích k oficiálním účelům, vyřadit osoby z jinak otevřeného online dialogu jen proto, že vyjadřují názory, se kterými veřejný činitel nesouhlasí. To je jádro rozhodnutí newyorského soudu, které teď podle...
ECB, IMF, China, Italy and Now Donald Trump Builds a Case for Bitcoin
Donald Trump. Source: Twitter, @realDonaldTrump
U.S. President Donald Trump has joined the ranks of other officials unintentionally building a case for Bitcoin and showing why it’s better compared to traditional fiat money systems.
In an eyebrow-raising tweet on Wednesday, Trump expressed...
Buy Bitcoin? Trump Says US 'Should Match' China’s Money Printing Game
Belligerent currency manipulation tweet from Trump bolsters the argument for crypto as a safe haven asset
G20 Leaders Issue Declaration on Crypto Assets – A Look at Their Commitments
The G20 leaders jointly issued a declaration on crypto assets at the end of their summit in Osaka, Japan. They declared their commitments, reaffirmed that crypto assets do not pose a threat to global financial stability, and requested further work done by standard-setting bodies. Also read:...
[aktualita] Trump: Huawei bude moci nakupovat od amerických dodavatelů
Americký prezident, Donald Trump, během sobotní tiskové konference oznámil, že USA povolí Huawei Technologies nakupovat od amerických dodavatelů. Učinil tak po rozhovorech s čínským prezidentem. „Americké společnosti mohou prodávat svá zařízení Huawei, bavíme se ale jen o produktech, u kterých...
Ross Ulbricht Letter Questions the Wisdom of Imprisoning Non-Violent Offenders
Forced to spend the rest of his days in a cage, Ross Ulbricht has recounted his situation in a letter, which explains how he’s spent more than 2,096 days in a U.S. federal penitentiary for running a website. Also Read: Bitcoin ‘Inventor’ Craig Wright Claims He Can’t Access...
Trump Administration in Talks With Crypto Startup on Israeli–Palestinian Peace Plans
Crypto startup Orbs has been working with the Trump administration to explore blockchain solutions related to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Ex-Trump Economist Joins ‘Crypto Central Bank’ After Failed Fed Bid
Decentral aims to perform similar monetary functions for cryptocurrencies as the Federal Reserve does for the U.S. economy
‘Hope it Makes Me Rich’ — Ex-Trump Advisor Joins Crypto ‘Central Bank’
Ex-Trump advisor and conservative economist Stephen Moore has joined a stablecoin project that aspires to function as a new type of central bank
Former Trump Economic Adviser Expresses Support For Facebook’s Libra
Conservative economist and former Trump adviser Stephen Moore thinks Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency is a good thing
Bitcoin Is Bigger Than Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Kim Kardashian In Terms of Popularity
A new report surfaced online shows that Satoshi Nakamoto’s brainchild has surpassed Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Kim Kardashian in terms of popularity. The world’s largest digital asset is also the single most searched phenomenon on Google, followed by Trump, Musk, and Kardashian. The trends...
Donald Trump napsal, že Měsíc je součástí Marsu. Z amerického úhlu pohledu má přitom pravdu
Donald Trump svým twetem, ve kterém přeskládal Sluneční soustavu a Měsíc přesunul k Marsu, vzbudil pozdvižení. Ve skutečnosti se ale jen neobratně vyjádřil, protože Měsíc má s Marsem v amerických vesmírných plánech hodně společného.
Napřed překlad tohoto tweetu: U peněz, které utratíme, by NASA
Mexican Greets Migrants through Its Southern Border with Armed Forces
While the United States authorities might be railing about the flow of migrants from Mexico, it is imperative to know that the country itself has been suffering from illegal immigration for quite a few years. Over the years, plenty of illegal immigrants have tried to get into the country...
White House Economic Adviser Kevin Hassett To Step Down Soon
Over the years, numerous high profile advisers and officials have left the Trump administration for a variety of reasons. However, the reason behind economic advisor Hassett’s departure is still unclear so far. Ever since Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the sudden departure...
US Lawmakers Urge Trump Advisor Larry Kudlow to Promote Blockchain
U.S. lawmakers have asked Trump advisor Larry Kudlow to include blockchain on a list of tech initiatives to support
US Reprieve for Battered Huawei Helps in Recovery of Tech Sector Stocks
Huawei is the world’s biggest supplier of telecom equipment, but over the past few months, the company has been in absolute turmoil as the American authorities accused that the company’s equipment was a vehicle for Chinese spying and eventually banned it. Additionally, the US also reached out...
Google přestane Huawei poskytovat Android se svými službami. Trump zapsal čínskou firmu na černou listinu
Google nebude obchodně spolupracovat s čínskou společností Huawei a poskytovat ji plnou verzi operačního systému Android. Americká vláda v rámci zpřísňování obchodních vztahů s Čínou zapsala firmu Huawei na černou listinu a americké společnosti s ní již nemohou nadále obchodovat, informuje Reuters.