Nalezeno "32% rise": 1902
Zaujímavosti o bowlingu
Čo viete o bowlingu? Hráč v ňom vrhá guľu po dráhe za účelom zhodiť kolky, niektorí možno ešte poznajú pojmy frame, spare, strike. Vedeli ste však, že korene bowlingu siahajú až do čias starovekého Egypta a Rímskej ríše, kedy sa
Príspevok Zaujímavosti o bowlingu zobrazený najskôr Ponteo Activity...
Can Software Make You Less Racist?
I don't think we computer geeks appreciate how profoundly the rise of the smartphone, and Facebook, has changed the Internet audience. It's something that really only happened in the last five years, as smartphones and data plans dropped radically in price and became accessible – and addictive –...