US a Crypto Exchange Scarecrow — What Needs to Change?
Unclear regulation is causing exchanges to leave the U.S. or block some options for U.S. customers, can the negative trend for America be reversed?
US Congress Requests Moratorium on Facebook’s Libra Stablecoin
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services requested that Facebook imposes a moratorium on the development of its stablecoin
Survey: Facebook’s Stablecoin Libra Unlikely to Become Mainstream
Per Jefferies’ recent survey, Facebook’s users are unlikely to purchase Libra
PR: CoinDeal Celebrates Premier League Sponsorship Renewal With Token Launch
Coindeal’s popularity and number of new users are growing very fast. The exchange will soon be available in several states in the USA and has prepared their own CoinDeal token – CDL. This giveaway is addressed to its 300.000 current and 150.000 new users – internal exchange tokens are waiting...
Operator of Newly Launched Binance US Appoints Former Ripple Exec as New CEO
The operator of Binance US hired former Ripple executive as new CEO to oversee the platform’s launch and further expansion
USA zvažují zákaz šifrované komunikace. Usnadnilo by to vyšetřování zločinů, ale rozmetalo ochranu soukromí
Veškeré snahy o zachování soukromí uživatelů možná dostanou v dohledné době mimořádně tvrdý zásah. Administrativa prezidenta Donalda Trumpa údajně zvažuje možnost zakázat americkým firmám používat end-to-end šifrování. Jako jeden z prvních informoval o tomto záměru web Politico.
US Cryptocurrency Exchange ErisX Receives License for Crypto Futures
ErisX has received a license for crypto futures trading from the U.S. CFTC
Federal Judge Sentences Cryptocurrency Scammer to 86 Months in Prison
A scammer who grossly misrepresented the price of the ATMCoin token has been hit by a federal judge with an 86-month prison sentence
Report: Facebook Seeks BitLicense From New York State Regulator
Facebook is reportedly seeking to gain a BitLicense from the NYDFS to comply with local regulations as it attempts to launch Libra as a global virtual currency
Apple přesune výrobu nového počítače Mac Pro z USA do Číny
Nový Mac Pro od Applu je v mnoha směrech nesporně zajímavé zařízení. Zatím poslední, čím tento stroj v hodnotě 6000 dolarů (cca 163 tisíc korun) upoutal pozornost médií, je plánovaný přesun výroby ze Spojených států do Číny. Zprávu přinesl jako první v pátek 28. června deník The Wall Street
Crypto Exchange Renews Sponsorship of Premier League Team and Prepares for US Expansion
A crypto exchange is sponsoring Wolverhampton Wanderers for a second season, after campaigns featuring star footballers went viral #SPONSORED
Huawei dostane Android a americké součástky. USA zmírňují omezení
O víkendu se konal summit G20 v japonské Ósace, na kterém došlo k setkání prezidentů USA a Číny. Donald Trump se Si-Ťin-pchingem probírali především podmínky obchodní dohody mezi USA a Čínou, která je aktuálně v procesu příprav, a na řadu přišla i otázka kolem čínské technologické firmy Huawei,
Top-10 Industries Being Transformed by Blockchain
The advent of distributed ledger technology has comprised the catalyst for a new wave of creative destruction. Here are the top-10 industries that are affected the most
Bittrex User Alleges Funds Were Withheld in Recent Lawsuit
A Bittrex user has filed a lawsuit against the exchange for allegedly withholding over $100,000 in funds
U.S. Clean Energy Firm Clearway Energy Will Test Blockchain for Renewable Energy Trading
Clearway Energy Group to pilot program for trading renewable energy credits on a blockchain
Kik Hands Off Defend Crypto Frund to The Blockchain Association
Kik has announced that the Blockchain Association will be the new head of its Defend Crypto fund
Bloomberg: Craig Wright Does Not Have Access to Bitcoin Fortune
Craig Wright said he cannot produce a list of his early BTC addresses per a federal judge’s order
Coinbase Releases Key Findings on Crypto Awareness and Adoption in US
Coinbase has published key findings about awareness and adoption trends related to digital currency in the United States
Steve Forbes Tells Zuckerberg: Use Gold to Back Libra, Call It the ‘Mark’
Steve Forbes published an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, urging him to back Facebook’s crypto project with gold to beat the U.S. dollar
Goldman Sachs ‘Looking at Potential’ of Creating Virtual Currency, CEO Reveals
Goldman Sachs is performing “extensive research” on tokenization, chief executive David Solomon has revealed