
Nalezeno "transactions": 1971

Riddell Travel Will Help You Arrange Your African Tour With BCH

Traveling is getting easier with the wider spread of cryptocurrencies. They can often prove more convenient than fiat money in cross-border payments, transfers and transactions. If you plan to visit the African continent, you can now use the services of a travel agency called Riddell Travel...

Piixpay Lets You Pay Bills and Invoices With Cryptocurrency

If you need to regularly cover fiat payments but prefer to use your digital assets, a platform like Piixpay can be very helpful. The payment provider allows you to use cryptocurrencies to pay invoices, bills and make other recurring payments to recipients that still accept only traditional money....

New SLP Token Allows You to Transact in BTC But With BCH Fees

There’s a new Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) based token called BTC2 that’s backed 1:1 with BTC. People can obtain the BTC2 token using cryptocurrency swapping application With BTC2, you can essentially transact BTC, but with the same network fee (less than a penny)...

Beta Testing in Blockchain

Beta testing is part of the rigorous, product perfecting process most software undergoes before it is released to the public. It is the second phase in which the intended audience samples the product. By the time a product is ready […] The post Beta Testing in Blockchain appeared first...

Why Bitpay Is Really Charging More for BTC Transactions

Bitpay has recently been attacked on social media for charging an extra fee for BTC transactions that it doesn’t ask of BCH users. The reality is that the company simply has to cover its operational costs related to the BTC network, whose fees are currently very high again. Also Read: How...

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