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Fortnite Players Are Getting Weird Again, This Time About The Rock

Fortnite fans have been speculating on who voiced The Foundation, a character who appeared in the cinematic and in-game event that started the game’s season 6. The going theory is that it’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, but there are competing ideas too. None of this matters much, but it’s Fortnite...

Gaming Didn't Get Me Through It

Before lockdown started, I had another job with a company that made what became the world’s most sought-after product: hand sanitizer. Working there before everything shut down was like watching a car crash in slow motion. Every day, my coworkers would whisper about the spread of the virus...

Bottlepay Launches Bitcoin Twitter Payments, Reddit, Instagram Come Next

Recently-launched payments app Bottlepay has revealed its new feature that enables users to send and receive bitcoin (BTC) via Twitter. Per the company, in the coming months, users should also be able to spend and transfer money via Reddit, Discord, Instagram, Twitch, Telegram,...

Private Messaging App Signal Now Accepts Donations in Cryptocurrencies

The nonprofit foundation behind the privacy-driven messaging app Signal is officially joining the cryptocurrency venture. In this case, the Signal Foundation announced it has started accepting crypto donations. Signal Foundation Also Takes Donations in Privacy Coins According to an announcement...

Twitter Spaces, alternativa Clubhousu, bude brzy dostupná pro všechny

Společnost Twitter plánuje v dubnu rozšířit svou funkci Spaces, která funguje v podstatě stejně jako „exkluzivní“ Clubhouse, na všechny… The post Twitter Spaces, alternativa Clubhousu, bude brzy dostupná pro všechny appeared first on

Twitch Streamer Banned Twice In Two Days For Harassing Himself, Somehow

It might be an understatement to say that popular Minecraft YouTuber and streamer George “GeorgeNotFound’’ Davidson had a weird weekend. Within two days, he got banned from Twitch, possibly un-banned, definitely banned again, and unbanned (again?). Why? “Harassment via username,” according...

Twitter už nebude ořezávat obrázky. Dosavadní řešení občas plodilo nesmysly

Pokud na Twitter vystavíte příspěvek s obrázkem, chytré algoritmy vyberou oblast/výřez, který bude vidět v časové ose (celý obrázek je vidět až na kliknutí). Bohužel to ne vždy funguje ideálně – na portrétních snímcích bylo takřka typické „uříznutí“ části hlavy. The Verge informuje, že Twitter

Ripple Settles Legal Dispute With Youtube Over XRP Giveaway Scams

Ripple and Youtube had ended a legal battle initiated in April last year amid allegations related to crypto-related scams. The U.S. blockchain company sued the video platform for negligence in acting against crypto scams that impersonated Ripple. Terms of the Resolution Are Confidential During...

Twitter zbrojí proti Clubhouse. Hned na startu má dvě zásadní výhody

Aktualizace mobilní aplikace Twitter přináší přímou konkurenci pro Clubhouse. Jmenuje se Spaces a má několik trumfů. Zatímco Clubhouse o Androidu pouze mluví, Twitter už na něm je a hlavně má širokou základnu uživatelů. V aktualizaci se říká: „Představujeme Spaces, kde probíhají živé zvukové

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