
Nalezeno "web form": 2684

Bundling JavaScript for Performance: Best Practices

Performance advice from David Calhoun on how many scripts to load on a page for best performance: [...] some of your vendor dependencies probably change slower than others. react and react-dom probably change the slowest, and their versions are always paired together, so they...

This Page is Designed to Last

Jeff Huang, while going through his collection of bookmarks, sadly finds a lot of old pages gone from the internet. Bit rot. It's pretty bad. Most of what gets published on the web disappears. Thankfully, the Internet Archive gets a lot of it. Jeff has seven things that he thinks will help make...

Collective #583

The CSS Cascade * Sideway * Teaching in the open: Eleventy * Form Design Patterns Collective #583 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability

In the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of change and diversion in regard to web technologies. In 2020, I foresee us as a web community heading toward two major trends/goals: extensibility and interoperability. Let’s break those down. Extensibility Extensibility describes...

Bad accessibility equals bad quality

Here’s a smart post from Manuel Matuzovic where he digs into why accessibility is so important for building websites: Web accessibility is not just about keyboard users, color contrast or screen readers. Accessibility is a perfect indicator for the quality of a website. Accessibility is strongly...

Six Central Banks Form Alliance to Pursue Research on Digital Currency

Six leading banks belonging to the Central Bank group have formed an alliance to work together to assess the potential for central bank digital currency (CBDC) in their respective jurisdictions. These banks include the Bank of England, Bank of Canada, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, Sveriges...

Searching the Jamstack

Here's Raymon Camden on adding site search functionality to a site that is statically hosted. A classic trick! Just shoot 'em to Google and scope the results to your site: <form action="" method="get"<input type="search" name="q"...

How to Turn a Procreate Drawing into a Web Animation

I recently started drawing on my iPad using the Procreate app with Apple Pencil. I’m enjoying the flexibility of drawing this way. What usually keeps me from painting at home are basic things, like setup, cleaning brushes, proper ventilation, and other factors not really tied to the painting...

Getting Started with Front End Testing

Amy Kapernick covers four types of testing that front-end devs could and should be doing: Linting (There's ESLint for JavaScript and Stylelint or Prettier for CSS.) Accessibility Testing (Amy recommends pa11y, and we've covered Axe.) Visual Regression Testing (Amy recommends Backstop, and we've...

Gamble With Crypto at

The advancements in the IT industry allowed for banking methods like Bitcoin to thrive in the online casino market, offering online casino goers the possibility to make their deposits in the most convenient way without the risk of exposing any of their financial information to unwanted third...

How to Create Custom SLP Tokens With the Mint

On January 17, CEO Stefan Rust introduced the company’s new SLP minting application. The Mint is a noncustodial web wallet that allows users to store bitcoin cash (BCH) and Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens. In addition to the portfolio capabilities, the Mint gives...

Timeless Web Dev Articles

Pavithra Kodmad asked people for recommendations on what they thought were some of the most timeless articles about web development that have changed their perspective in some way. Fun! I'm gonna scour the thread and link up my favorites (that are actually articles, although not all of them...

Third-Party Components at Their Best

I'm a fan of the componentization of the web. I think it's a very nice way to build a website at just about any scale (except, perhaps, the absolute most basic). There are no shortage of opinions about what makes a good component, but say we scope that to third-party for a moment. That...

Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components

Where do you put styles in web components? I'm assuming that we're using the Shadow DOM here as, to me, that's one of the big draws of a web component: a platform thing that is a uniquely powerful thing the platform can do. So this is about defining styles for a web component in a don't-leak-out...

A Web Component with Different HTML for Desktop and Mobile

Christian Schaefer has a great big write-up about dealing with web advertisements. The whole thing is interesting, first documenting all the challenges that ads present, and then presenting modern solutions to each of them. One code snippet that caught my eye was a simple way to design a component...

Instagram přidává zprávy i na web. Nejste ve skupině, na které je testuje?

Instagram začal mezi uživatele rozšiřovat dlouho očekávanou funkci – zprávy i ve webové verzi. Nově tak bude oficiálně možné posílat zprávy přímo z počítače. Novinku sociální síť prozatím testuje na malém vzorku uživatelů. Posílání zpráv je na Instagramu důležitou součástí platformy. Funkci

[aktualita] Google chce web zbavit cookies třetích stran

Společnost Google, která stojí za nejpoužívanějším webovým prohlížečem současnosti, hodlá v rámci své iniciativy Privacy Sandbox zbavit v horizontu dvou let web toho, co se běžně na stránkách označuje jako cookies třetích stran. Společnost o tom informovala včera na Chromium blogu. První drobná...

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